The Department III Colloquia are regular meetings for the department members to discuss our work in progress, to comment, and to help each other in our writing process. The format is a discussion of a pre-circulated paper, led by an introductory comment by an external discussant.

HaK133, Painting by Hilma af Klimt, courtesy of The Hilma af Klint Foundation _ Photo_Moderna Museet-Stockholm
Dept. III
Events Archive
Director Dagmar Schäfer
T +49 30 22667 151
All Past and Upcoming Events
House Models for the Living and the Dead across Ancient Eurasia: Synchronicities and Diachronicities of Cross-Cultural Typologies Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Several Speakers
Thematic Mapping in Eighteenth to Nineteenth Century Germany Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Several Speakers
Sebastian Münster’s Cosmography: Making Maps and Imaging Germany Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Several Speakers
Reconsidering the Mamluk Village: Readings on al-Dimashqī’s Filaḥa Manual MPIWG Main Conference Room
- Prof. Dr. Heba Mahmoud Saad Abdelnaby
How the Plague Became Globally Visible – Mapping as a Method in Modern Western Medicine Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Several Speakers
Primary Source Reading: Medical Sections in Chinese and Japanese Household Encyclopedias MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MorePrimary Source Reading: Medical Sections in Chinese and Japanese Household Encyclopedias MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreThe Emergence of Iron Metallurgy in the Lake Chad Basin: Oral Sources and Archaeological Data MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreSustainability in Translation and Transportation: German Forestry in Colonial Taiwan (1895-1945) Online Event
Transcultural Cartographies: The Japanese Buddhist World Map and the Birth of Asian Studies in Europe Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Several Speakers
Foregrounding Fibers: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Materiality and Knowledge MPIWG Room 265 & Online
- Several Speakers
Visualising Time-Space in East Asia: Mapping ‘Round Heavens & Square Earth’ from Ancient Rotating Devices to Late Modern Commercial Maps Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Several Speakers
Emerging Traditions in Zodiac Representations in the Hellenistic Era MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreClassifying the Unseen: Curiosity, Fantasy, and Common Knowledge in Early Modern China MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreTracing the Source Material of the Heavens-Related Sections in Daily-Use Encyclopedias MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreMaps and Mapping in Global Cultural Perspectives: Temporality in Map History Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Several Speakers
Cosmology in a Living World: Knowledge Regarding Environment and Life in Late Imperial China Harnack Haus
Practicing Learning from Heaven as a Form of Life: The Case of Liu Ning 劉凝 MPIWG Room 265
MoreKeynote Address. On Saving the Planet with Proteins: The Historical Significance of Shifting Biological Engineering into Post-Translational Space-Time MPIWG Room 265
MoreThe Ecology of the Political Landscape in Eleventh-Century Shaanxi: The Environmental and Spatial History of a Multiethnic Borderland MPIWG Main Conference Room
MoreSeeking a Measurable World in the Texts: Zhu Kezhen's Practice on Phenology and Climatic Change MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreRegion, Practice, and Genre: Putting Knowledge to Use in the History of Science in South Asia. "Genres of Knowledge" Harnack Haus
MoreArchives by and for Research in the History of Science and Digital Humanities: Describe, Annotate, Preserve, and Disseminate Online Event
MoreCharting the European D-SEA: Digital Scholarship in East Asian Studies Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Region, Practice, and Genre: Putting Knowledge to Use in the History of Science in South Asia. "Practical Knowledge and Knowledgeable Practice" Harnack Haus
- Several Speakers
Region, Practice, and Genre: Putting Knowledge to Use in the History of Science in South Asia. "Regionality of Knowledge" MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Natural Science Knowledge (Chemical-Technological and Mineralogical-Gemological) in Georgian and Eastern Manuscripts MPIWG Room 265 & Online
- Several Speakers
Natural Science (Chemical-Technological and Mineralogical-Gemological) Knowledge in Georgian and Eastern Manuscripts Preserved in the Depositories of Georgia MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Disaster in the East Asian History of Science MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
- Several Speakers
Objects Revealed: Unveiling Astral Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
MoreArchaeology of the Astral: Mingling of Astrological and Cosmological Ideas in the Context of Sea Trade between Early Historic India and Roman Egypt (1st c. BCE–5th c. CE) MPIWG Room 265
MoreCosmos and the Body Politic in the Byzantine World MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
MoreOn Obstacle Courses and Other Racings (or an Outburst about Reusing 3D Models of Cultural Heritage Objects for Research and Conservation) Online Event
MorePtolemaic Astronomy through Computer Vision: A Building Platform for Research on Astronomical Diagrams Online Event
MoreFollow the Thread: Entangled Human Tissues and Animal Fiber MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
MoreTools of Knowledge: Revitalising a Legacy Database of Scientific Instrument Makers Online Event
MoreBeyond Translation: Multilingual Practices in the Transmission of Islamicate Astral Sciences to 13th–14th-Century China MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
MoreChallenging the Social Gap in African Lingustics MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
MoreCorals and Lexical Life in the Lakshadweep Islands of India MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreHeavens in Your Hand: Astral Knowledge of Ancient and Medieval Coins Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
The Written Forms of External Medicine in the Seventeenth Century: The Case of Waike Zhengzong MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreKnowledge-Making after Farming Manuals: Farming Progress Dispatches in Late Chosŏn Korea MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreBerlin Science Week: The kn/own/able Project—Handloom Weaving as Knowing and Owning Museum für Naturkunde
- Several Speakers
Tombs and Astral Knowledge from Egypt to China (1000 BCE–1000 CE) Harnack-Haus/Online
- Several Speakers
Internal Rotation/s. Sociomaterial practices and Embodiments in Hugo Sellheim’s Experiments on Birth Mechanics MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreThe Making of a Cage Bird Class: African Grey Parrots in Early Modern Europe MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreThe Making of Calculable Territory in Song Dynasty China, 1000–1250 MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreInternational Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap) Workshop II Harnack-Haus/Online
- Several Speakers
The Transformations of Biographical Section in Chinese Local Gazetteers from Song to Ming: A Preliminary Observation MPIWG Room 265
MoreMixing Medicines: The Global Drug Trade and Early Modern Russia MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreNumeracy and Administration in the Ancient Greek and Roman World MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreSyringe Tides: Throwaway Culture and the Making of Medical Waste MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreA Global History of the Dissertation that Shows the Transformations of the Scholar and Scholarship MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreScience as Prophecy: Measuring Climates Past and Future MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreEmpire under the Night Sky: The Role of Fenye (Astrological Contents) in Late Imperial China Harnack-Haus/Online
- Several Speakers
Reading Celestial Omens in Turfan and Dunhuang. Babylonian Divination Models and their Medieval Reception on the Silk Road MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreCity Walls, Excavations, and Explosives: New Sources on Innovative Engineering in the Late Tang MPIWG Room 265
MoreEmpire under the Night Sky: Recording Field Allocation in Chinese Local Gazetteers MPIWG Room 265 & Online
- Several Speakers
Experimental Infrastructures of Entomological Care in Colonial Taiwan: Sericultural Acclimatization MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreContaining Schistosomes: On Questing for Containment among Overspilling Bodies, Latrines and Lakes in Rural Uganda MPIWG Room 265
MoreDoorkeepers: A Case Study in the Ability and Authority of Lowly Intermediaries in Ming China (1368–1644) MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreThe Insides Outside, Or, Cultivating Disgust with Baby Food and Toilet Training MPIWG Room 265
Word and Image: The Role of Representation in the Transmission of Astral Knowledge MPIWG Room 265 & Online
Healing the World with Words: Rethinking Fang Yizhi and Medicine(s) in Seventeenth Century China MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreExperts at Work II: Ability and Authority Working Group Workshop MPIWG Room 265 & Online
- Several Speakers
Visualizations of the Heavens—The Database as a Research Tool MPIWG Main Conference Room
- Several Speakers
Astrometeorology and Global Climate Theory: Interpreting John Goad's Weather Notebooks, 1652-1682 MPIWG Room 265 & Online
MoreSun, Moon, and Mount Meru: Cosmological Mandala as A Visual Metaphor for Universal Monarchy? MPIWG Room 265 & Online
- Several Speakers
Putting Knowledge to Practice: "Reading" Agricultural Terraces in Medieval Palestine MPIWG Room 265
MoreConstellations and Celestial Globes from the Islamic World: The Use of Virtual Reality Technology as a New Interpretative Tool Online Event
- Federica Gigante (University of Oxford)
Revulsion as Prevention: Emotional Science and the Mobilisation of Sensibility in Late 19th-century Russian Public Medicine
MoreReligious Contexts of Discourses on Nature: The Comet of 1577 in Early-Modern Germany
MoreOrientation and Organization of the Zodiacal Image in the Roman Empire Online Event
- Fabio Spadini (Freie Universität Berlin/ANHIMA Paris)
Depicting Time: The Visualisation of the Planetary Deities and the Seven-Day Astrological Week in the Graeco-Roman World
MoreScience in Practice: Astronomical Instruments in the Islamic World Online Event
- Taha Arslan (Istanbul Medeniyet University)
Responsible Documentation and Conscious Outcomes: Explorations in the Ownership of Knowledge Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Ritual Healing through Sealing (7th -12th-century China): Materiality and the Healer’s Body in the Earliest Examples of Medical “Palm Formulas” (zhangjue 掌訣)
MoreThe Grand Zodiacal Tablets and the Papyri Graecae Magicae: Which Connection between Magic and Astrology? Online Event
- Florian Audureau (Université de Paris)
Imagining the Stars in Premodern Eurasia: Intercultural Comparisons Between East and West Asia Online Event
- Jeffrey Kotyk (University of British Columbia)
The Checkered Game of Mandarin Life: Revisiting Official Careers in the Digital Age MPIWG Main Conference Room
- Elisabeth Kaske (U Leipzig)
Indigenous Epistemology and “European” Science: The Entangled Histories and Afterlives of Two 16th-Century Mexican Zoological Projects
MoreAbility and Authority Roundtable: Uighur Expertise on the Silk Road MPIWG Main Conference Room
- Several Speakers
Soils, Stars, and Statecraft: Cosmological Conceptions of Agriculture in China and Europe, ca. 1600-1789 Online Event
MoreRoundtable: Practicing, Thinking, and Imagining in Early Modern Chinese Medicine
- Several Speakers
Botanical Knowledge of Food Plants in Middle and Late Imperial China Online Event
- Several Speakers
Balancing the Soil: Soil Knowledge and Soil Improvement in Late Ming Farming Manuals
MoreRole of Creative Practice in Heritage Process: Speculative Pasts from Certain Futures. Past, Present and Future, Which Comes First?
MoreCritical Heritage Practice: Preferred Futures, Uncertain Presents and Speculative Pasts Online Event
See mediaTowards a Global History of Soil: Sciences, Practices, Materialities and Mobilities, 1100-1700 Online Event
European Discourses on the Effects of Indian Foods during the 15th to 18th Centuries: From the Fruits of Paradise to the Racialization of Nutrition Online Event
MoreVisualization of Astronomical Knowledge in Hellenistic Times: Aratus, Urania, and the Celestial Globe Online Event
MoreHubert Goodale’s Feminized Cockerels: Industrial Poultry Breeding, Sex Control, and the Early History of Endocrinology Online Event
MoreAlchemies of Soil Fertility: Vegetable Philosophy and Agricultural Improvement in Seventeenth-Century England Online Event
MoreA Fantasy of Control: Sound as a Technology in Wang Mang’s Declaration of Power Online Event
MoreWhat Does South-to-South Mean for Cold War Science and Technology in Asia Online Event
- Several Speakers
War on Extinction: Fabricating Animal Bodies Between the Zoological Collections in Poznań and the Forest Reserve in Białowieża (1924-1939) Online Event
MoreSound & Science: Digital Histories—a Database in the History of Acoustics Online Event
MoreMapping Soil Types in a Fifteenth-Century Egyptian Cadastral Survey Online Event
MoreThe Unicorn-Lion Law: Affirming the Correct Standard of Comparison for Scholarship in the Humanities Online Event
- Brian Baumann
The Chinese Reception of Islamic and European Astronomy: Starmaps Produced by Jesuits in China Online Event
- Shi Yunli (University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei)
Theories of Change; Or, How Sea Level Rise Became a Historical Event Online Event
MoreCultural Translation Processes in 16th Century Tunisia: The Case of ´Alī B. Aḥmad B. Muḥammad Al-Sharafī from Sfax Online Event
MoreApproaching Occupational Cultures in the Önggüd and the Qonggirad Settlements under the Yuan
- Ishayahu Landa (Universität Bonn)
Empire and Information: How to be Understood in the Wake of the Mongol Empire’s Fall Online Event
MoreAn Archaeologist’s View on Craft Production During the Mongol Empire: Karakorum, the Orkhon Valley and Beyond
- Susanne Reichert (Universität Bonn)
“Learned Men Do Not Farm”—Agronomists in Yuan- and Ming-China
- Jörg Hüsemann (Universität Leipzig)
“The Octave Pleases Everybody”: Marin Mersenne and the Universality of Harmony Online Event
MoreMapping China in 18th Century: Hand-drawn Maps from the "Qing Atlas Tradition" at the Museum am Rothenbaum in Hamburg Online Event
MoreBecoming Visible: Insects and Infrastructures in Colonial Taiwan Online Event
MoreVisualizing the History of Knowledge: Methods and Epistemic Implications of Digital Humanities' Visual Techniques
Tasting the World—Cookery and Taskscapes of Cooks in Yuan China
- Philip Grimberg (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Data Collection, Organization, and Presentation in Ming-Qing Local Gazetteers Online Event
MoreGendered Physiology: The Sea Women and Physiological Research across the Pacific Online Event
MoreDigital, Domestic, Disposable: The Life Sciences’ Many Cultures of Experimentation
MoreWhat One Should Know about a Locality: Analyzing Knowledge Categories from the Chinese Local Gazetteers Online Event
MoreOne of Geometry’s Nicest Applications: Digging the Georg-Tiefer Stollen (1771–1799) Online Event
MorePOSTPONED: Socialism and Scientific Internationalism in Sino-British Scientific Networks from World War to Cold War Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Gordon Barrett
A Green-Colored Leaf Called Tabaġa: Early Ottoman Inquiries into an American Plant Online Event
MoreThe Construction of a “Chinese Ancient Climatology” in the Practice of Phenology Online Event
MorePOSTPONED: From Soil Erosion to Global Warming: The Postwar Internationalist Origins of Global-scale Environmental Crisis Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Perrin Selcer
The Use of al-Idrisi's (d. c. 1165) Geographical Oeuvre in the Extant Products of the Mapmaking Workshops of the Sharafi Family in Sfax and Qayrawan during the 16th Century Online Event
MoreBovine Regimes: Reproduction, Labor, Territory Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
German Purveyors of Natural History in the Age of Empire: Collecting in the Asia Pacific in the Long Nineteenth Century MPIWG Room 265
Margaret Thatcher, the Cold War, and International Science in the 1980s MPIWG Main Conference Room
MoreTouched Nature: Building in, with, and against the Environment in Norway after 1960 MPIWG Room 265
MoreAnimal Materialities: Compositions and Practices in the History of Science MPIWG Main Conference Room
Epistemology of the Zoological Closet: Curating (Dis)Order MPIWG Room 265
MoreA Physicist Road to Emergence: A Revisited Story of “More Is Different” MPIWG Room 265
MoreKnowing an Empire: Imperial Science in Early Modern Chinese and Spanish Empires MPIWG Main Conference Room
The Virtues of Imperfection: Caribbean Patent Systems in the 19th Century MPIWG Room 265
MoreChanging Channel: What is Science Diplomacy and How Could It Help Us to Better Understand Cold War Science? MPIWG Main Conference Room
MoreMind the Gap: Acoustical Answers to Cosmological Concerns in First Century B.C.E MPIWG Room 265
MoreTheoretical and Methodological Approaches on the History of Cartography MPIWG Room 265
MoreAnimal Matter: Meat, Slaughterhouses, and Animals in Rio de Janeiro, the Capital City from the Brazilian Empire MPIWG Room 265
MoreLocal Science, Imperial Knowledge: Disasters in the Thirteenth Century MPIWG Main Conference Room
See mediaA Study of Commercial General Maps in the Late Qing Dynasty: The Case of Two Maps in the MPIWG Collection MPIWG Room 265
MoreProteins & Fibers Inquiry IV: “Reading the Book by Ignoring the Words” MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Celestial Bodies, Sovereign Gods: Sūrya, Candra and the Planets in Northern India in the First Millenium CE MPIWG Room 265
- Marion Frenger
The Artist-Silkworm Interface: The Agricultural Treatise as Source and Scrutiny for Creating an Artist Book Harnack-Haus Mozart Room
- Several Speakers
Proteins & Fibers Inquiry III: "Betwixt and Between: Reconstructing Animal Histories with Teeth" MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
A Medieval Geographical Manuscript from Dunhuang: The Illustrated Itineraries of Shazhou (Shazhou tujing) MPIWG Room 265
MoreTangut Astrology: Visuality, Materiality, Transculturalism Harnack-Haus Köhler Room
- Several Speakers
Of Sweet Potatoes, Locusts, Ducks, and Ditches: Animal Technology of Biological Pest Control in Late Imperial and Modern China MPIWG Room 265
MoreGerman and Egyptian Sexologists and the Boundaries of the Sexual Instinct: Early Twentieth Century Encounters MPIWG Room 265
MoreThree-Dimensional Scanning at the Transept of the Cathedral in Paris: The Benefit for Art History MPIWG Room 265
MoreHow Hard is Hard? Climbing Grades and the Classification of Verticality in the Twentieth Century MPIWG Room 265
MoreWeather Events or Climate Change? Yuan Dynasty, Local Gazetteers, and Sericulture MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Power in Medicine: Interrogating the Place of Medical Knowledge in the Modern Middle East Harnack-Haus Laue Room
Of Materiality and Minds: Provocations in the History of Science Across Environments MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Bog, Bush, and Drones: Digital Humanities and Imaging Historic Sites in the Field MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Documenting Impermanence: Five Centuries of Mapping Transient Fishing Stations in Newfoundland, Canada MPIWG Room 265
MoreWomen, Race, and Medicine: Black Midwives in Early 19th-century Ottoman Egypt MPIWG Room 265
MoreThe Art of Judgment in Wetlands: Landscape Ethics, Aesthetics, and Science in Nature Conservation MPIWG Room 265
MoreHorny Substances and Medical Properties: The Nail of the Great Beast MPIWG Room 265
MoreOral History and the History of Scientific Practice: A Difficult Dialogue? MPIWG Room 265
MoreMan-Like Apes: Chimps, Gorillas, Orangutans and European Explorers MPIWG Room 265
MoreFrom Local Gazetteers Project to Asia Network: Working with Licensed Materials in Digital Humanities MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Proteins & Fibers Inquiry II: Animal Histories on the Zooarchaeological Horizon MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Encounters in Borderlands: Intersections of Life and Technology at Frankfurt Airport MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
Studies of Science & Technology: Torn Between Scholarship and Politics? MPIWG Room 265
MoreConstructing Responsible Research: Collaborations between STS and History of Technology
MoreThe Safavid Multi-Text-Manuscript 1984.463 (Harvard University, Sackler Museum)—its Content and Context
Conservation in the Anthropocene: A Plenary Roundtable MPIWG Main Conference Room
- Several Speakers
Shifting Baselines, Altered Horizons: Politics, Practice, and Knowledge in Environmental Science and Policy MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
The Bare Necessities: Histories of Provisioning from the Second World War to the Present Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Enchanted Bodies: Chen Zhifo’s Botanical Textile and Graphic Designs in Shanghai MPIWG Room 265
MoreA Market for Manuscripts: Scribal Production and Entertainment Literature in 19th Century Beijing MPIWG Room 265
MoreThe Rhetoric of Innovation: Silk Treatises in Pre-modern China and Europe MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers
A Million Horses. The Horse Administration in the Yongle Reign (1403–1425) MPIWG Room 265
MoreKnow Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Early Modern Culture in China, 1500–1800 MPIWG Room 265
MorePneumonic Plague, Environmental Changes, and the International Fur Trade MPIWG Room 265
MoreScientific Journals under Franco. Legitimated Scientific Knowledge and Its Places and Actors MPIWG Room 265
Thematic Cluster: Colonial Techniques Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThe Origins of Alpine Internationalism: Alpine Clubs as Networks of Knowledge, 1874–1920 Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreRethinking the Darwinian Revolution Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Janet Browne
Lieutenant Riou Saves the Guardian: Navigating Theory and Experience on the High Seas Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Margaret Schotte (York University)
The Memory of Space in Li Daoyuan’s Shuijing Zhu Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreInfrastructures of Measurement Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreEstimated Truths: Water, Science, and the Politics of Approximation Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Chinese Local Gazetteers "Terminology“ Public Sessions Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Political Epistemology Series: The Restless Clock Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Jessica Riskin
China’s Long-term S&T Development Plan (1956–1967) Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Zhang Baichun (The Institute for the History of the Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Chinese Local Gazetteers "Terminology" Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreAccounting for Uncertainty—Prediction and Planning in Asia’s History Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Materiality of Resistance: The Sociotechnical Affordances of Finnish Political Struggle from Protests to Terrorism 1898-1905 Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreFantastic Empire: Science Writing and Science Fiction in Interwar Japan, 1918–1945 Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreSins Against Nature: Sex and Archives in Colonial New Spain, 1530-1821 Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThinking in Many Tongues: Ethnographies of Languages Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Conclusion of the Department III Colloquium Series Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Thematic Cluster: The Body of Animals Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreA Material Innovation: Bingata and the Craft of Color Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreMeasuring Reliability in the Wartime Transport of Provisions: The Case of Mao Yuanyi (1594-1641) Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreFrom Co-Ordinated Campaigns to Water-Tight Compartments: Diseased Sheep and Their Investigation in Britain, c. 1880–1920. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreBuilding Materials in Chinese Local Gazetteers: Brain-Storming Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
Thematic Cluster: Histories of Planning—Art of Judgment & Scale and Scope Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
Thematic Cluster: Histories of Planning—Art of Judgment & Scale and Scope Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
Thematic Cluster: Histories of Planning—Art of Judgment & Scale and Scope Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
Thematic Cluster: Digital Humanities and Local Gazetteers Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThematic Cluster: Digital Humanities and Local Gazetteers Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThematic Cluster: Digital Humanities and Local Gazetteers Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Thinking in Many Tongues: Lexicography Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
Thematic Cluster: Histories of Planning—Scale and Scope Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThematic Cluster: Histories of Planning—Scale and Scope Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreTowards a Method of Textmining of Historical Analysis Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreOwnership of Knowledge: Appropriation in Art & Technology Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
Thematic Cluster: Technologies of Europe Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThematic Cluster: Technologies of Europe Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Marie Thébaud-Sorger (Centre Alexandre Koyré)
Thematic Cluster: Materiality, Language, Translation Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreToward the History of Everything? How to Move between the History of Science, History of Technology and Global History Harnack-Haus Lise-Meitner-Saal
- Lissa Roberts (University of Twente)
Thinking in Many Tongues: Etymology in Pre-Modern Traditions Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Thematic Cluster: Materiality, Language, Translation Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThematic Cluster: Materiality, Language, Translation Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreSpecial Guest and Introductory Session Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- John Krige (Georgia Tech)
Chinese Local Gazetteers: Local Materiality in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreEast Asian Impacts on the Globalization of Ocean Studies During Cold War Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Nadin Hée (MPIWG, FU Berlin)
Colonial Planning and the Unravelling of Plans Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreBirders of Africa: The Politics of a Network Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Nancy Jacobs
Science Fiction in South and North Korea Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Dong-Won Kim (Johns Hopkins University)
The Search for Rutie the Horse: Infertility Research and Settlement in Palestine/Israel Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreKnowledge Reproduction of Rural Craft in Internet Economy: Case Studies on Huayao Cross-stitch and Dong Brocade in Western Hunan Area Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Dora Zhang
A Taste of Science: Subjectivity and Objectivity in the California Wine-World Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Steven Shapin
Planning for Persistent Environmental Contamination: Public Health, Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, and the Settler Colonial State Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreManaging Health and Household in Early Modern England Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThe Cambridge Cockpit and the Berlin Cockpit. Problems in the Study of Flying Fatigue c. 1940 Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreCounting for Empire: the 1925 National Census and Colonial Korea's Experience of a New Demographic Regime Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MorePoint Zero. The Mean Sea-level in Practice, Science, and Diplomacy Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreCharting the Flow: Water Science and State Hydrography in the Po Watershed Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
Early Visions of Geo-engineering Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreBricks and Mortar: The Materials of Nation-building in 1970s Tanzania Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreMonuments across Medium: Inscription, Reproduction, and Self-Fashioning in Turn-of-the-Century Mexican Archaeology Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MorePlanning a Colonial Cultural Economy: Arts and Crafts in the Belgian Congo MPIWG Room 265
- Sarah Van Beurden (MPIWG, Ohio State University)
Teaching Sciences in Islamicate Societies Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreSeeing the Forest and the Trees: On the Simultaneous Visualization of Horizontal and Vertical Transmission in Historical Linguistics Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThe European Invention of the Manchu Alphabet Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreDiplomacy on the Move between Song and Yuan Traditions: The Case of Annam Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreAutobiographies of Artifacts Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Ken Alder (Northwestern University)
Political Legitimation and the Developmental Imagination from the Depression to the Cold War Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Benjamin Zachariah
Chinese Local Gazetteers: Historical Method and Computerized Data Collection and Analysis Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThe Transmission of Technology: Some Theoretical and Methodological Issues in the Study of the History of Metallurgy in Ancient China. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Jianjun Mei (Needham Research Institute/Cambridge)
Learning How—Training Bodies, Producing Knowledge Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Launch of Department III “Artefacts, Action, and Knowledge” Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Studies of Knowledge in Eurasia and Africa: Issues of Methodology and Future Perspectives Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
Medical Craftsmanship Between Subjectivity and Empiricism Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Volker Scheid
Cloning California: Oranges, Genetics, and the Mediterranean Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Tiago Saraiva
Knowledge in the Context of Planning: Examples from Prussia Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Several Speakers
What Does a Plan Want? Fragments of a Response from Kuala Lumpur Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Richard Baxstrom
The World is Not Enough: Global History, Textiles and Divergence Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Georgio Riello
World Maps Produced by Specific Planning in the Medieval Period. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Hyunhee Park