Deputy Head, Communications Team

Stephanie Hood

+49 30 22667 315

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) has published its “Feature Stories" format "Research Topics” since 2008. In this series, researchers present individual contributions of one aspect of their research or present a new project.

Latest Research Topics

No 84
Detail from a soil-erosion map

Knowledge Systems and Collective Life: A New Approach to the Study of Science and Politics

Climate change, the pandemic, war, migration, economic insecurity—over the past few years, crises seem to have arisen at an accelerating pace, along with urgent calls for action. In this contex...


Latest Articles on "The Conversation UK"

No 18
Tatou à trois bandes du Sud (Tolypeutes matacus)

Les voyages du tatou dans les sciences et par les mers

Dans les réserves du muséum d’histoire naturelle du Mans (musée Vert) se trouve un étrange animal venu du passé. Il porte une étiquette ancienne et figure parmi les objets les plus anciennement...

No 17
Dony Wardhana/Unsplash, FAL

Doctors only started measuring body temperature 200 years ago – here’s why

Over the past year, fever thermometers have become omnipresent. Body temperature is taken in front of shops, at airports, even before visiting a museum – often with ultra-modern devices. So-cal...