The Max Planck Society fosters open access and strives to bring research results openly online. As an advocate of open access to scholarly knowledge the Institute supports the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities and has developed recommendations for the scholarly use of visual media. The Institute aims to make historic documents accessible (see our search portal), to provide new electronic research tools, and to establish new forms of publication.

Open Access Logo. Wikimedia Commons.
In the “Preprint” series, the Institute provides a forum for preliminary research results in the history of science. Every six to eight weeks, a new “Research Topic” is published introducing one of the Institute’s most recent research projects. New publications can be found on the publications page and in the Institute’s comprehensive bibliography. Every two to three years, the Research Report provides information on the work of the Institute and its Departments and Research Groups. Open access monographs are freely available at the various pages of Edition Open Access.