Jul 3-31, 2017
Chinese Local Gazetteers "Terminology"
- 10:00 to 17:00
- Workshop
- Dept. III
- Shih-Pei Chen
Related Project(s)
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
About This Series
The Local Gazetteers Terminology workshop gathers together comprehensive research projects comparatively investigating how Chinese Local Gazetteers recorded names for things across territories and periods. Together, we will investigate different methods—clustered or decentralized, generally presented or regionally specific—that are used to record representational formats: texts, objects, genres, and terms. We tackle these issues by re-imagining local gazetteers beyond their traditional role as a source of specific local information. Exploiting the possibilities offered by digital humanities for processing and analysing large text corpora, the Chinese Local Gazetteers is addressed as a whole, the entire genre becomes one large database.

In this workshop six senior scholars are working collaboratively to ask: what can our digital tools bring to the study of knowledge terminology in Chinese Local Gazetteers? By developing tools to quickly extract and expediently analyse data from across regions and periods, we will increase efficiency in working with the huge amounts of data embedded in the Chinese Local Gazetteers and achieve an unprecedentedly complete view of the variations of terminology.
The workshop offers two public events: July 3 and July 26. For details see the attached flyer.
- CHEN Xi, Fudan University
- Joseph DENNIS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- DU Yongtao, Oklahoma State University
- LI Yan, Tianjin University
- Ian MILLER, St. John's University
- Catherine STUER, Denison University
- XU Bin, Palace Museum of China
- ZHANG Yingpin, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Public Sessions
Monday July 3, 2017
- Welcome and Introduction/Dagmar Schäfer/MPIWG
- Introduction: A glimpse to the LG project/Shih-Pei Chen & Qun Che/MPIWG
- Books in School Libraries in Ming, Qing, and Republican China/Joseph Dennis/University of Wisconsin-Madison
- The Ming Imperial Lumbering Administration/Ian Miller/St. John‘s University
- Water Conservancy Constructions along the Yangtze River in Ming and Qing/Qun Che/MPIWG
12:30 Lunch break
- "Planning with nature" in Chinese Local Gazetteers/Xu Bin/Palace Museum
- Guji as artefact and category in Chinese local gazetteers/Catherine Stuer/Denison University
- Spatial Analysis on China’s Ancient Private Libraries/Chen Xi/Fudan University
14:30 Coffee break
- Local Gazetteers in Republican China: Spatial-Order Continuity and the Modern-Tradition Divide/Du Yongtao/Oklahoma State University
- The military settlements along the Ming Dynasty Great Wall in Local chronicles/Li Yan/Tianjin University
- Structural Analysis and Style Observation of Chinese Local Gazetteers/Zhang Yingpin/Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
16:00 Joint Discussion
18:00 Dinner
Monday July 31, 2017
10:00 Opening remark
10:15 Final presentation I (each 30 mins including Q&A)
12:15 Discussion (Coffee break inbetween)
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Final presentation II (each 30 mins including Q&A)
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Final discussion