Apr 30, 2020
POSTPONED: From Soil Erosion to Global Warming: The Postwar Internationalist Origins of Global-scale Environmental Crisis
- 14:00 to 15:30
- Cold War Seminar Series
- Dept. RennDept. III
- Perrin Selcer
This event is postponed until further notice due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Contact and Registration
Open to all, no registration required. Please contact the organizers if you have any questions about the event.
About This Series
The seminar series "Science, Technology and Diplomacy During the Cold War and Beyond: Frameworks, Perspectives, and Challenges" aims to provide a forum that takes account of exciting developments within recent scholarship on science during the Cold War—especially, but not limited to, the approaches of transnational and global history. Read more about the series here.