The Department III Colloquia are regular meetings for the department members to discuss our work in progress, to comment, and to help each other in our writing process. The format is a discussion of a pre-circulated paper, led by an introductory comment by an external discussant.

Fusion of two images: "Dyers scraping stenciled fabrics," figure 235, Hommel & Mercer, China at Work 1937, and "Indian indigo-dye worker," photo A. Mamidipudi, 2017.
Organizer: Wilko Hardenberg
T +49 30 22667 171
The Memory of Space in Li Daoyuan’s Shuijing Zhu Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThe Origins of Alpine Internationalism: Alpine Clubs as Networks of Knowledge, 1874–1920 Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
MoreThematic Cluster: Colonial Techniques Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Pneumonic Plague, Environmental Changes, and the International Fur Trade MPIWG Room 265
MoreKnow Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Early Modern Culture in China, 1500–1800 MPIWG Room 265
MoreA Million Horses. The Horse Administration in the Yongle Reign (1403–1425) MPIWG Room 265
MoreThe Rhetoric of Innovation: Silk Treatises in Pre-modern China and Europe MPIWG Room 265
- Several Speakers