Research Insights
Our Research Insights interview series offers short videos and podcasts by Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) scholars discussing their research topics, books, and theories.
Verena Braun
+49 30 22667 296
Our Research Insights interview series offers short videos and podcasts by Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) scholars discussing their research topics, books, and theories.
Digital Science Speaker Series - Meet Dr Maria Avxentevskaya and Dr Ben Johnson
Globalizing Schizophrenia: The History and Legacy of the WHO Studies of Schizophrenia
MoreA New Approach to Understanding Knowledge and Ownership
MoreHow Can the History of Earth Sciences Help to Explain Contemporary Distrust Towards Science in General?
MoreWhat Can the History of Schizophrenia Teach Us about “Revolutionary” Breakthroughs in Science and Medicine?
More"Repenser l'évolution de la connaissance pour l'Anthropocène"
How Can Sound Help Us to Better Understand Early and Medieval China?
MoreWhat Can Artisanal Production Teach Us about Knowledge and Ownership?
MoreHow Does the Homogenization of Scientific Knowledge Occur?
MorePandemic Perspectives
MoreAlles bewegt! Wissen unterwegs - Canzler & Kalmbach reden über Mobilität
MoreJed Buchwald: Isaac Newton and the Philosophy of Science
MoreDie Expedition #fürdasWissen - Expedition for Knowledge
Leonardo: Virtual Tour with Sabine Hoffmann (with English Subtitles)
Leonardo: Virtual Tour with Serge von Arx
Behind the Scenes: Black Holes | The Edge of All We Know
Women in Science: Shirley Ann Jackson
Diplomacy in the Time of Cholera
About the Berliner Antike-Kolleg
MoreInterview: Local Gazetteers Research Tools
How Does Local Knowledge Influence Broader Concepts and Structures of Information?
MoreCovid and Historical Epistemology
Anthropocene River Campus: The Human Delta
History of Science ON CALL: Clarissa Ai Ling Lee
MoreHow Does China Remove Air Pollution from Cities for Prestigious International Events?
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Betty Smocovitis
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Anna Elsner
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Sascha Roesler
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Larisa Jasarevic
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Larisa Jašarević (in Bosnian)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Harry Yi-Jui Wu
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Bettina Wahrig
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Edna Bonhomme
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Tatsushi Fujihara (in Japanese)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Katja Krause (in German)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Richard Rottenburg (in German)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Lara Keuck
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Lara Keuck (in German)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Michael Lackner
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Togo Tsukahara
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Mathias Grote (in German)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Vivian Shaw
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Angelika Messner
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Iwo Amelung (in German)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Chelsea Szendi Schieder (in Japanese)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Chelsea Szendi Schieder
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Lyle Fearnley
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Clare Griffin
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Clare Griffin (in Russian)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Sabina Leonelli (in Italian)
MoreHistory of Science ON CALL: Sabina Leonelli
MoreExecutive Director Dagmar Schäfer Awarded Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2020
MoreMississippi. An Anthropocene River Short Film
Executive Director Dagmar Schäfer on Mobility and Humanities
MoreExperience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body ca. 800–1650
MoreMedieval and Early Modern Science
MoreHistory of Science in Prehistory and Early History
MoreDas kulturelle Erbe bewahren
MoreEine Revolution der Geisteswissenschaften
MoreLaureates in Review: Lorraine Daston
MoreThe Crafting of the 10,000 Things. Shifting Frameworks of Knowledge and Technology in Imperial China
MoreHeisenberg and the Search for a Final Theory: An Interview
MoreVisualization and Material Cultures of the Heavens in Eurasia and North Africa
MoreAre We Experiencing a "Sixth Extinction" and Does It Matter?
MoreTraining Children, Imagining Industrial Adulthoods
MorePraktisches und wissenschaftliches Wissen
MoreKultivierung von Lotus und der Betrieb der „Palastmaschine“
Der andere Galilei
MoreGalileis Weltsicht
MoreGalilei auf seinem Weg zum Ruhm
MoreScience Social 08: Léon Rosenfeld and the Quest for Unification
Science Social Special: There Is No One History of Science (but It’s All Interconnected)
IsisCB on Pandemics: Fundamental Concepts in Understanding Pandemic Diseases
New Books in Science, Technology, and Society: Objectivity
Science Social 05: The Discovery of Black Holes
Science Social 04: "The 'How' of 'How-To?'"
Plastic Waste in the Ocean: Researchers Sounded Alarm Back in 1972 (in German)
Decolonization in Action Episode 5: Economics, Expertise, and Revolution in Postcolonial Sudan
Decolonization in Action Episode 4: Colonial Medicalization and Homosexuality in the Philippines
Decolonization in Action Episode 3: Leftism in Action: A History of Leftist People of Color
Decolonization in Action Episode 2: A Topography of Decoloniality
Decolonization in Action Episode 1, Part 2: Decolonizing Berlin
Decolonization in Action Episode 1, Part 1: Decolonizing Berlin
What do Historians want from "Materiality"? Reflections on Theory and the Humanities since the 1970s