Head of library Esther Chen smiling into the camera

Esther Chen

Head of Library


Esther Chen studied comparative literature and Polish language and literature at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Parallel to her studies she worked in the Literaturhandlung zum Judentum (Bookshop for Judaica), where she was responsible for organizing cultural events.

After completing her studies she taught at the Institute for Slavic Studies at Humboldt-Universität and participated in the project entitled "Comparisons and interconnections within European scientific cultures" at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder, before carrying out training for academic librarianship at the Central and Regional Library in Berlin. From 2011–2012 she worked as an academic assistant for the German parliamentary committee of enquiry into "Internet and digital society."

Before taking up her most recent post at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Esther Chen worked at the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research as chief librarian from 2012–2015.


Central Knowledge Graph (CKG)


Digital Research Infrastructure


Open Access to Publications, Sources, and Research Data


Selected Publications

Chen, Esther (2022). Politics of Sources Meets the Practices of the Librarian: An Interview with Esther Chen. Interview by Lara K. Keuck and Kärin Nickelsen. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3): 508–516. https://doi.org/10.1002/bewi…

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Kräutli, Florian, Esther Chen, and Matteo Valleriani (2022). “Linked Data Strategies for Conserving Digital Research Outputs: The Shelf Life of Digital Humanities.” In Information and Knowledge: Organisation in Digital Humanities, Global…

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Chen, Esther, Jan Simane, Sebastian Nix, and Sigrid Amedick (2021). Digital flanieren und forschen: vier Max-Planck-Bibliotheken modernisieren gemeinsam ihre virtuellen Leseräume [Digital Strolling and Researching: Four Max Planck Libraries Are…

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Chen, Esther and Florian Kräutli (2020). “Digital Sources and Research Data: Linked and Usable.” Europeana Tech Insight 15. https://pro.europeana.eu/page/issue-15-swib-2019#digital-sources-and-research-data-linked-and-usable.

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Kräutli, Florian, Matteo Valleriani, Esther Chen, Christoph Sander, Dirk Wintergrün, and Sabine Bertram (2018). “Digital Modelling of Knowledge Innovations in Sacrobosco’s Sphere: A Practical Application of Cidoc-CRM and Linked Open Data with Corpustracer.” In Digital Humanities 2018 — Puentes-Bridges: Book of Abstracts. Libro de Resúmenes, Mexico City 26–29 June 2018, ed. J. Girón Palau and I. Galina Russell, 222–225. Mexico City: UNAM. https://dh2018.adho.org/en/digital-modelling-of-knowledge-innovations-in-sacroboscos-sphere-a-practical-application-of-cidoc-crm-and-linked-open-data-with-corpustracer/.

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Past Events


Miriam Stein: Die gereizte Frau. Was unsere Gesellschaft mit meinen Wechseljahren zu tun hat


Workshop: "Missing Pictures"


Digital Publications in the Humanities


Research Data Management & Infrastructures in the Humanities 2021

Digital Humanities Workshop

Open Access


Illustrating Scientific Books in Early Modern Europe


Publishing Open Access in the Max Planck Society


Die Bibliothek als Verlag? Bibliotheken als Dienstleister im Rahmen wissenschaftlichen Publizierens


Embracing and Fostering Innovation in Your Library


Embracing and Fostering Innovation in Your Library


Towards Integrated Knowledge Management for CH Research


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Digitale Forschungsdaten in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Sammlungsportale in Forschung, Lehre und Museen: Rollen und Perspektiven digitaler Bestände und Sammlungen, Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité

Conference Program
Forschungsdatenmanagement am Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte - Ein Werkstattbericht

45. Bibliothekstagung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities, online lecture series by HU Berlin, TU Berlin

Die Digitalisierung der Geisteswissenschaften — Methodische und epistemologische Konsequenzen und infrastrukturelle Herausforderungen

Max Planck Digital Library, Munich

Publication Platform Edition Open Access

Workshop Program
Max Planck Digital Library, Munich

Research Data Management & Infrastructures in the Humanities 2021

Go to website
Library Science Talks, Zurich

The Shift towards a Library of Data (with Florian Kräutli)

Watch on YouTube
SWIB - Semantic Web in Libraries, Hamburg

Digital sources and research data: linked and usable

DV-Treffen der MPG, Göttingen

MPG-DRIH - Eine digitale Forschungsinfrastruktur für die Humanities

Our Shared Open Future: Building from Tradition, 21. Fiesole Retreat, Fiesole (Italy)

Open Access Initiatives at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (with Klaus Thoden)

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OCLC EMEA Regional Council Conference 2019, Marseille

Game Changing Projects in the Museums and Archives Sphere

107. Deutscher Bibliothekartag, Berlin

Copyright and Permission Requests - Ein Service zur Unterstützung wissenschaftlichen Publizierens

41. Bibliothekstagung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Leipzig

Ein neues Raumkonzept für die Bibliothek am MPIWG

Annual Conference of The Renaissance Society of America, New Orleans

A Digital Research Infrastructure (not only) for the History of Science

Matchmaking Workshop: Research Issues of Human Sciences as Challenges for Computer Science, Berlin

Digital Research Infrastructure at MPIWG

36. ASpB-Tagung: Die Mauer ist offen! Grenzen überwinden - digitale Welten erschließen, Berlin

Die Digitale Bibliothek am Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Digimet 2017 | Quellen und Methoden der Geschichtswissenschaft im digitalen Zeitalter - Neue Zugänge für eine etablierte Disziplin?, Berlin

Die Evolution eines Wissenssystems: vom Repositorium zur Netzwerkanalyse (with Matteo Valleriani)

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Publizieren im digitalen Zeitalter, Podiumsdiskussion, Impulsreferat, Berlin

Copyright Clearance and Permission Requests – a „new“ Service at the MPIWG Library

40. Bibliothekstagung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin

Services im Rahmen der Publikationsunterstützung

Guided Tour through the Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité

Organized by: Esther Chen, Guided Tour by: Thomas Schnalke, Director of the Museum

2016 HSS Annual Meeting, Roundtable: The Library and the Discipline in the Twenty-First Century, Atlanta/Georgia

Unlocking Sources for Historians of Science: Digitization, Information Retrieval and Copyright Clearance

Herbsttagung der GSH-Sektion der MPG-Bibliotheken, Luxemburg

Copyright and Permission Requests - A „new“ Service at the MPIWG Library

Die Bibliothek als Verlag? Bibliotheken als Dienstleister im Rahmen wissenschaftlichen Publizierens, Berlin

Edition Open Sources. Ein neues Open Access Publikationsformat für die Geisteswissenschaften

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News & Press

In Pictures: Researchers Pitch at MPIWG's Spring Publications Slam


In pictures: Library holds its first Publications Slam event


The MPIWG digital library is featured in the newest MAX MAG
