Screenshot of CKG topic network around Anthropocene Curriculum project depicting topics and related projects
Project (2021-)

Central Knowledge Graph (CKG)


A joint project with the Library

The Central Knowledge Graph (CKG) is a data library for documenting research projects and publishing of research data. The CKG allows users to search and explore projects, topics, people, and data from more than a decade of research at the MPIWG.

With increasing amounts of digital research and research data we are lacking a platform where you can easily find and search for and explore all research outputs produced in the last decades and will be produced in the coming decades at the MPIWG. As such, the CKG forms a cornerstone of the institutional research data management strategy.


View for the Database Machine Drawings project. It shows a description, thumbnail of the archived website, related datasets, active timespan, project members and related projects (via topics). Accessible at:

View for the Database Machine Drawings project.

In keeping with the idea of a data library, the CKG consists, firstly, of a catalogue that brings together information on research projects, participating researchers, topics covered and links to the various digital outputs of the projects, and, secondly, of shelves in which particularly valuable research data from selected projects are stored and linked to each other.

All information in the CKG is modelled in a shared base ontology, the CIDOC CRM. The frontend was implemented with ResearchSpace, a Web-based platform for editing and publishing Linked Data. The CKG constitutes the second phase of the MPG-DRIH project. The current prototype is accessible at: (only accessible from internal).