
Apr 8, 2020
Open Access

Access to scholarly publications is currently facing an enormous phase of transition. For academic journals the subscription model is being replaced by publication fees, which guarantee open access gold. Academic monographs are slowly heading towards the same direction. What does that mean for your publishing? The upcoming Brownbag Lunch aims to explain the most important terms and processes, such as Open Access Gold, Open Access Green, Sherpa/Romeo, Embargos, DEAL, Open Access funds, Creative Commons, the MPG Open Access Policy, etc. and gives you practical advice on how to publish your own work open access. After our presentation we will be happy to answer your individual questions concerning this topic.

Contact and Registration

Due to the current situation, this meeting will take place on Zoom. For further information, please email Florian Kräutli.

All are welcome to attend, regardless of prior experience of the digital humanities. Registration is required for external participants. To register, and for further information on the Digital Humanities Brown Bag Lunch series email Research IT Group.

About This Series

Brown Bag Lunch is a bi-weekly meeting of researchers at the MPIWG who use or want to learn more about digital research methods, broadly encompassed by the term Digital Humanities. In the Brown Bag Lunch meetings, researchers can discuss tools, share ideas and experiences (good and bad), and learn from each other. Each session explores a new topic; workshops are usually interactive, and we often invite external speakers. Please feel free to bring your lunch, and a laptop or notebook in order to participate!

2020-04-08T14:00:00SAVE IN I-CAL 2020-04-08 14:00:00 2020-04-08 15:30:00 Open Access Access to scholarly publications is currently facing an enormous phase of transition. For academic journals the subscription model is being replaced by publication fees, which guarantee open access gold. Academic monographs are slowly heading towards the same direction. What does that mean for your publishing? The upcoming Brownbag Lunch aims to explain the most important terms and processes, such as Open Access Gold, Open Access Green, Sherpa/Romeo, Embargos, DEAL, Open Access funds, Creative Commons, the MPG Open Access Policy, etc. and gives you practical advice on how to publish your own work open access. After our presentation we will be happy to answer your individual questions concerning this topic. Shih-Pei ChenRobert CastiesDirk WintergrünFlorian KräutliPascal Belouin Shih-Pei ChenRobert CastiesDirk WintergrünFlorian KräutliPascal Belouin Europe/Berlin public