
Qun Che

Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)


Qun Che obtained her doctorate in History of Science and Technology at Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2015. Her dissertation mainly focused on the epidemic history of Schistosomiasis around the Dongting Lake region since the Middle Qing Dynasty and its relevant social and environmental factors, such as wars, water conservancy, traffic routes, and ecological transformations, which led to the outbreak of the disease. Following this, she was Assistant Research Fellow in the History Department of Shanghai Jiaotong University, participating in the research project “Study on How Infectious Diseases Influenced Chinese History.” She has participated in several research projects during her career, including “Collection, Collation & Research for the Nongovernmental Writ of Contract in Southern Zhejiang Province,” “Historical Population Quantity Dynamic of Yellow Sea Herring,” etc., mainly taking the responsibility for databases, mathematical statistics, and GIS visualization.


Source-Based Initiatives


Environmental Transformations in the Dongting Lake Region in the Ming-Qing Dynasty


LoGaRT: Local Gazetteers Research Tools


The WebGIS Platform of Historical Maps of China


Selected Publications

Che Qun 車群, Lin Nung-yao 林農堯, and Chen Shih-Pei 陳詩沛 (2021). “Yi kongjian lianjie shijian: yi ludi celiang junshi dixingtu wei jichu de ditu (tuxiang) gongxiang yu hucaozuo 以空间连接时间: 以陆地测量军事地形图为基础的地图(图像)共享与互操作 [Linking Visions Together in Space: Map …

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Schäfer, Dagmar, Shih-Pei Chen, and Qun Che (2020). “What is Local Knowledge? Digital Humanities and Yuan Dynasty Disasters in Imperial China’s Local Gazetteers.” Journal of Chinese History 4 (2): 391–429. https://doi.org/10.1017/jch.2020.31.

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Lin Nung-yao 林農堯, Chen Shih-Pei 陳詩沛, Che Qun 車群, Yeh Calvin 葉桂林, and Sean Wang (2019). “Shuwei renwen zhong de kongjian renshilun: yi Zhongguo fangzhi yu lucetu weili 數位人文中的空間認識論: 以中國方志與陸測圖為例 [Spatial Epistemologies in Digital Humanities: Using…

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Chen, Shih-Pei, Qun Che, Cao Ling, Dagmar Schäfer, and Hongsu Wang (2017). “Treating a Genre as a Database: The Chinese Local Gazetteers, the Lg Tools, and Research Based on This New Digital Methodology.” In Digital Humanities 2017: Conference…

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Past Events


Visualizing Geographies of Late Qing and Republican China: A CHMap Workshop


The Schistosomiasis Epidemic and Environmental Change


Chinese Local Gazetteers "Terminology“ Public Sessions


Chinese Local Gazetteers "Terminology"


News & Press

MPIWG at International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (DADH), December 1–4, 2020


Local Gazetteers Research Tools (LoGaRT) resource made open access
