
Luisa Bonolis

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Aug 2019–Sep 2025)


Luisa Bonolis has an MA in physics from the Sapienza University of Rome and a PhD in History of Science from the University of Bari. Her work focuses on the development of the physical and astrophysical sciences in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Luisa has conducted numerous oral history projects, the results of which have been published in several volumes, and she has written on topics ranging from the evolution of cosmic ray studies, nuclear and elementary particle physics, to early thermonuclear fusion research and the rise of matter-antimatter colliders in Europe. More recently her research interests have included the emergence of relativistic astrophysics, astro-particle physics, and multi-messenger astronomy. These topics are also extensively covered in one of her most recent books (co-author: Juan Andres Leon) Astrophysics, Astronomy and Space Sciences in the History of the Max Planck Society (Brill 2023).

She has been a researcher at the MPIWG since 2013 and is now a member of the Lise Meitner Research Group. Her current project focuses on specific case studies of scientific cooperation between Italy and China in large-scale projects related to the opening of international relations at the end of the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the establishment of the field of astro-particle physics in the 1990s.

She is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Physics H - Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics.

Selected Publications

Bonolis, Luisa and Juan Andres León Gómez (2024). “Astronomie, Astrophysik und die Erforschung des Weltraums.” In Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft: Wissenschafts- und Zeitgeschichte 1945–2005, ed. J. Renn, C. Reinhardt, J. Kocka, F. Schmaltz, B. Kolboske, J. Balcar, and A. von Schwerin, 292–306. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

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Bonolis, Luisa, Alessandra Vittorini Orgeas, and Antonio Bianconi, eds. (2024). Majorana, Ettore: Sulla meccanica dei nuclei radioattivi: la tesi di laurea di una mente geniale. Roma: Gattomerlino.

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Bonolis, Luisa, Franco Buccella, and Giulia Pancheri (2024). “Raul Gatto and Bruno Touschek’s Joint Legacy in the Rise of Electron-positron Physics.” The European Physical Journal H 49 (Article 24).

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Bonolis, Luisa (2023). “Bruno Touschek (1921–1978): The Path to Electron-Positron Collisions.” In Bruno Touschek 100 Years: Memorial Symposium 2021, ed. L. Bonolis, L. Maiani, and G. Pancheri, 9–31. Cham: Springer.

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Bonolis, Luisa, Luciano Maiani, and Giulia Pancheri, eds. (2023). Bruno Touschek 100 Years: Memorial Symposium 2021. Springer Proceedings in Physics 287. Cham: Springer .

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Exploring the Highest Energies in the Universe: An Italian-Chinese Joint Venture in Cosmic-Ray Astronomy


Astroparticle Physics 1970s—Early 1980s: Investigating the Patterns and Dynamics of the Emergence Process


History of Astrophysics, Astronomy, and Space Sciences in the Max Planck Society


The Emergence of Relativistic Astrophysics


The Rise of Matter-Antimatter Colliders in Europe


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

International Memorial Symposium–Bruno Touschek 100 years

Physics Department of Sapienza University of Rome, Frascati National Laboratories and Accademia dei Lincei
Bruno Touschek (1921–1978). The Path to Electron-Positron Collisions. Memorial Symposium Touschek 100

Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome

Werner Heisenberg’s Retirement and the Renewal of General Relativity in Germany

107th National Conference of the Italian Physical Society (SIF)

Workshop: Observing, Sensing, Detecting: Towards a Multi-Layered Picture of the Universe from Historical and Epistemological Perspectives.
Round Table: Probing the Cosmos in the Time of Multiplicity. A Historical Scientific Dialogue, with Barry Barish (University of California, Riverside), Reinhard Genzel (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching), Malcolm Longair (Cambridge University), Christian Spiering (DESY), Alan Watson (University of Leeds).
Thinking Big: How Large-scale Detectors Set the Stage for the Emergence of Astroparticle Physics. A Short Survey

XL National Conference of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA)

Towards the Emergence of Relativistic Astrophysics.
Annual Meeting of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy.

European Gravitational Observatory-VIRGO Cascina (Pisa)

How Relativistic Astrophysics Bubbled up from Post-WWII Science. A Preliminary Survey

XXXIX National Conference of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA)
Between General Relativity and Group Theory: Aspects of the Birth of Italian Theoretical Physics in the 1920s–1930s.
Conference Luigi Bianchi. Between Galois & Einstein.

École Normale Supérieure (Paris), Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere e Arti, Venice.

Workshop: CERN History Days. Relaunching the CERN History Project.

CERN, Geneva.
Organization (with Virginia Trimble and Jürgen Renn) of the Special Session Relativity at 100.

European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Prague.

The Lead-up to First Texas Symposium and the Emergence of Relativistic Astrophysics.
Symposium Relativity at 100, European Week of Astronomy and Space Science.

Annual Meeting of the European Astronomical Society, Prague.

The Emergence of Relativistic Astrophysics in the Early 1960s

Prague. Symposium "Enduring Ideas, New Alliances: Social and Epistemic Factors in the Renaissance of General Relativity", 7th European Society for the History of Science Conference

Thermonuclear Fusion, Space Exploration and Frontier Research in Astrophysics: History and Obstacles.
The Birth of Research on Nuclear Fusion in Italy

Sapienza University, Rome. Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering.

From White Dwarfs to Gravitational Collapse within Einstein’s Theory: The Emergence of Relativistic Astrophysics

International Solvay Institutes, Bruxelles

From ‘Dark Stars’ to Gravitational Collapse within Einstein’s Theory: The Emergence of Relativistic Astrophysics

Harnack House, Berlin. A Century of General Relativity

The Renaissance of General Relativity in Rome: Main Actors, Research Programs and Institutional Structures

XIV Marcel Grossmann Meeting. Sapienza University, Rome

Bruno Maksimovich Pontecorvo. From Slow Neutrons with Enrico Fermi in Rome to Neutrino Oscillations in Dubna

DESY, Hamburg

Bruno Pontecorvo. Universality of Weak Interactions and Muon Decay. National Conference of the Italian Physical Society

International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste

Conference 100 Years Cosmic Rays. From Cosmic Ray Physics to Cosmic Ray Astronomy. Bruno Rossi and the Opening of New Windows on the Universe

Bad Saarow/Pieskow

Courses on History of Physics, Didactics of Physics and Laboratory

University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

The coming of abstract mathematics in the physics of 20th century (2003); Pauli and the mysteries of beta-decay, Fermi's theory of beta-decay (2004); Enrico Fermi and the Roman Physics School, Bruno Rossi and the electromagnetic cascade (2005); Einstein, Jordan, Dirac and the origins of QED (2006); Neutrinos. A history of puzzles and paradoxes (2007); From Mendel's laws to the discovery of the structure of DNA double helix (2008); The motion of Planets, order or chaos? The three-body problem, a challenge for celestial mechanics (2009); Physicists and Mathematicians in Goettingen. Amalie Emmy Noether and the birth of super-laws (2009); Lords of the cosmic rays: from earth laboratories to physics in space. A century of cosmic ray researches (2010); Physics and Group Theory. From Evariste Galois to Emmy Noether. From Noether's Theorems to the "Gruppenpest" in the new Quantum Mehanics (2013)

Courses at the Annual Winter School on History of Physics organized by the Italian Association for Physics Teaching (A.I.F.)