
Jun 5, 2025
An Italian-Chinese Joint Venture in Cosmic Ray Astronomy

Boltzmannstraße 18, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Contact and Registration

We welcome both internal and external guests. For further information about the LMRG Colloquium series, specific sessions, or registration (a limited number of places are available), please contact  Dr. Franziska Fröhlich.

About This Series

The LMRG Colloquium is a venue for members and guests of the Lise Meitner Research Group, "China in the Global System of Science," to share their work in progress. It is an opportunity to raise questions, discuss methodological challenges, or get feedback on preliminary conclusions. We aim to create a supportive atmosphere that combines rigorous criticism with genuine curiosity.

2025-06-05T14:00:00SAVE IN I-CAL 2025-06-05 14:00:00 2025-06-05 15:30:00 An Italian-Chinese Joint Venture in Cosmic Ray Astronomy Boltzmannstraße 18, 14195 Berlin, Germany B18–008/Zoom Franziska Marliese FröhlichDieu Linh Bui Dao Franziska Marliese FröhlichDieu Linh Bui Dao Europe/Berlin public