Jaehwan Hyun is a historian of science working on the Cold War history of human biology and environmental sciences with a focus on transnational connections between South Korea, Japan, and the United States. Currently Jaehwan is living in Busan where he works as an assistant professor of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at Pusan National University. He received his PhD in 2018 at Seoul National University, with a dissertation examining the role of geopolitics and international collaboration in the mutual constitution of human hereditary research and national identity in South Korea. Jaehwan worked at UCLA Institute of Society and Genetics (2017–2018), Tokyo University of Science (2018), and the MPIWG (2018–2020). He is working on several projects related to the Cold War reconstruction of science, people, and the environment in South Korea and Japan. While at the MPIWG (virtually), he will examine the way in which the Cold War anxiety of nuclear wars and environment contamination shaped the transpacific physiological research on the sea women (Ama in Japanese and Haenyeo in Korean) and made the fishery workers the “primitive.” Finally, as a scholarly response to the COVID-19 crisis, now he is making an effort to create a research collective studying the making of “masked societies” in East Asia with other East Asian historians of science and STS scholars.
Past Events
The Socio-Material History of Masked Societies in East Asia: A Virtual Workshop
Gendered Physiology: The Sea Women and Physiological Research across the Pacific
MORECold War Seminar Series
- Institute Event
CANCELED: Nuclear Diplomacy: How Knowledge Becomes Worthy of Global Circulation
MORECold War Seminar Series
POSTPONED: Socialism and Scientific Internationalism in Sino-British Scientific Networks from World War to Cold War
MORECold War Seminar Series
POSTPONED: From Soil Erosion to Global Warming: The Postwar Internationalist Origins of Global-scale Environmental Crisis
MORECold War Seminar Series
- Institute Event
POSTPONED: Rethinking Collaboration: Medical Research and Working Relationships at the Iranian Pasteur Institute
MORECold War Seminar Series
- Institute Event
The Common Problems of Modern Societies: IIASA as a Case for Détente Science
MORECold War Seminar Series
Margaret Thatcher, the Cold War, and International Science in the 1980s
MORECold War Seminar Series
Changing Channel: What is Science Diplomacy and How Could It Help Us to Better Understand Cold War Science?