
Dirk Wintergrün

Research Scholar (Since 2000)


Dirk Wintergrün is on leave of absence until February 2028. He is currently head of the Cross-Sectional Directorate for Digital Transformation and Innovation Management at the Klassik Stiftung Weimar.

His research focuses on semantic modeling, network analysis, and text mining tools employed to analyze historical data. The concept of socioepistemic networks serves as the theoretical framework and aims to describe and analyze the dynamics of knowledge formation by applying methodologies from network theory and graph theory. The application of network theory is closely connected with a precise description of the underlying data. His work combines the semantic modeling of data with the representation of data as graphs, which bridges these usually unconnected fields from the theoretical analysis of complex structures.

In this context, Dirk worked on case studies for the Research Program on the History of the Max Planck Society (GMPG), specifically on the application of text-mining tools aiming at a structuring of the unstructured text corpus created by the project on the basis of Optical Character Recognition on a large scale, the formation of general relativity as a research field, and most recently on the history of exoplanet research as part of a project funded by the Berliner Zentrum für Maschinelles Lernen (BZML). Dirk  develops, coordinates, and manages digital projects that support research in the history of science. 


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Anthropocene and Digital Technologies


Cooperation and Outreach


Epistemic Configurations: The Formation of Anthropocene Knowledge


IV. Anthropocene Formations


Modeling Data and Analyzing Diffusion Using Early Modern Cosmological Treatises


Networks, Network Science, and Knowledge Graphs


Quadrupels as Central Concepts for Encoding Context and Data


Research Websites as Research Data


Selected Publications

Jost, Jürgen, Roberto Lalli, Manfred Dietrich Laubichler, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Renn, Guillermo Restrepo, Peter Stadler, and Dirk Wintergrün (2023). “Computational History: Challenges and Opportunities of Formal Approaches.” Journal of Social…

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Lalli, Roberto, Riaz Tony Howey, and Dirk Wintergrün (2020). “The Socio-Epistemic Networks of General Relativity, 1925–1970.” In The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context, ed. A. S. Blum, R. Lalli, and J. Renn, 15–84. Basel: Birkhäuser. https…

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Lalli, Roberto, Riaz Tony Howey, and Dirk Wintergrün (2020). “The Dynamics of Collaboration Networks and the History of General Relativity, 1925–1970.” Scientometrics 122 (2): 1129–1170.

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Damerow, Julia and Dirk Wintergrün (2019). “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Data in the History of Science.” Isis 110 (3): 513–521.

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Past Events

Introduction to Networks Analysis—Basics and Applications in History of Science

Digital Humanities Workshop

What is Data in the Humanities? What is Data Modelling? What are Data Structures?

Digital Humanities Workshop

Digital Humanities Survey and Glossary of Methods, Tools, Approaches and the Digital Humanities. Project Lifecycle.


Research Data Management & Infrastructures in the Humanities 2021

Digital Humanities Workshop

Digitizing Land: Methods and Visualizing a Fifteenth-Century Egyptian Cadastral Survey


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Preconditions and Tools for Digital Publications in the Humanities

Villa Vigoni, DARIAH - Summer school

methodische und technische Herausforderung durch „Big Data“ in den Geschichtswissenschaften

DHd – Konferenz, Graz

Expectation on Electronic Editions and Summary of the Workshop

Workshop der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen zu Elektronischen Editionen

Mapping interdisciplinarity and the expansion of scientific organization - a project in the making

HSS Conference, Chicago

Von E4D mit GeoTemCo zum
 DARIAH-Geobrowser und PlATiN - ein Arbeitsbericht -

Berliner Gespräche zur Digitalen Kunstgeschichte

From exhibition support to the virtual exhibition : a workshop report

Oklahoma University, Library, September 2013

IT Developments at the MPIWG and DARIAH

Digital History and Philosophy of Science Meeting, Indiana University, September 203

Digital Humanities at the MPIWG

Villa Vigoni, June 12th, 2013

Podiumsdiskussion:Ein DH-Kompetenzzentrum in Berlin? Ein Gespräch zum Wie und Wozu.

Digital Humanities - Kompetenzzentren in Deutschland, Berlin, June 28th, Berlin

Round Table: Teaching and New Media

Junges Wissenschaftsforum Dahlem, June 20th, 2013

How to do simple things simple- Creating networks

HPS Consortium, Cambridge, UK, September, 2012

Towards an infrastructure for Digital Humanities at the MPIWG

HPS Consortium, Cambridge, UK, September, 2012

From TextGrid and ECHO to the electronic scrapbook - new ways of collaborative publications in the humanities

L’image-document face au numérique : mise en crise ou mise en lumière ?, Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris

Event-Based Concept Models

HPS Informatics Workshop, MBL, Woods Hole
ISMI - Challenges and Genesis of a Digital Project: a Field Report

First International DARE Conference, Cologne
Vom digitalen Quellenarchiv ECHO zum digitalen Scrapbook

Digital Humanities Seminar, Univ. Nürnberg-Erlangen

Einstein teaches in Berlin


News & Press

Zeit Online on Dirk Wintergruen becoming one of three new directors at Klassik Stiftung Weimar


BMBF funding nomination for project "Modeling Socio-epistemic Networks to Understand Historical Genesis"
