Jürgen Renn, Robert Schlögl, Christoph Rosol, and Benjamin Steininger in Nature Outlook on Energy and Societal Change
- Dec 4, 2017
- New Publication
- Dept. Renn
- Jürgen RennChristoph RosolBenjamin SteiningerRobert Schlögl
- Material Practices: The Anthropocene Earth in Formation
“The world is changing but not quite fast enough,” claim Jürgen Renn, Robert Schlögl, Christoph Rosol, and Benjamin Steininger in this article published in Nature Outlook. The article, “A Rapid Transition of the World’s Energy Systems,” considers the state of affairs in climate politics and culture as a driver for innovations, exploring energy and societal change using lessons from history. How will our society move forward and face the possibility of drastic changes that are unprecedented in the history of our planet?

Oilfield Pennsylvania, Image: Deutsches Museum Archiv: BN25643.