The essays appearing in the Topical Collection initiative "Seeing Clearly Through COVID-19" follow a short-form essay format. This departure from the traditional research article length papers that appear in HPLS Topical Collections reflects two key rationales. First of all, a short note could offer a sort of icastic reflection on an aspect of the pandemic, so that the potential reader could have synthetic but intriguing material to think about. These essays reflected a common prompt to deliver a clear, substantially justified—but open—perspective. Second, we thought that this short note format was an appropriate method with which to initially address the precarity that the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare. At the time, this epidemic of global proportions had surprised many people, from laymen, laywomen and children, to politicians, economists, clinicians, biomedical researchers, and humanists.

Seeing Clearly Through COVID-19
- Special Issue (Working Group Volume)
- Boniolo, GiovanniLisa Onaga
- Dept. III