The "Scales of Experience" introduces the special issue "Experiencing the Global Environment" by focusing on three dimensions of the theme that are reflected to various degrees in the constitutive essays. First, the introduction highlights the links between the epistemological and political contexts of the historical constitution and development of the global environment (or global environments) in the earth and environmental sciences from the late nineteenth century to today. Second, it argues for a historical approach to the complex concept of scientific experience, whose mutable and contingent qualities are demonstrated by the contributions to the special volume. Lastly, the introduction presents one of the central issues to be tackled by the essays to follow: the development—and, at times, the failure—of strategies and technologies to bridge the seemingly incommensurate gulf between individual, localized experience and the all-encompassing scale of the global environment.

Camille Flammarion: “L’Atmosphère”, 1888, p. 178.
Experiencing the Global Environment
- Special Issue (Working Group Volume)
- Lino CamprubiPhilipp Nicolas Lehmann
- Dept. Daston