
Salome Rodeck

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019–2024)

Salome Rodeck studied cultural and literary studies at Leuphana University Lüneburg and the University of Amsterdam. She has worked on the ontological and epistemological implications of living and working with non-human others and the figure of the posthuman. In April 2019, she joined the MPIWG as a visiting predoctoral fellow. Her PhD project focuses on the emerging interest in symbiosis as a fundamental principle of life on Earth from both biology and the humanities and social sciences. By examining the theory production and research practices of two key figures in this emerging discourse - Lynn Margulis and Donna Haraway - the project aims to trace the circulation of symbiosis as both a biological and political concept. In doing so, it also aims to contribute to the historicization of transdisciplinary knowledge formations with a focus on the United States after 1968. She has been funded by the Leibniz Centre for Literary and Cultural Research (ZfL) since January 2020. Her project is based at the Institute for Cultural Theory and History at HU Berlin and is supervised by Prof. Dr. Kerstin Palm and Dr. Etienne Benson.


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Epistemic Configurations: The Formation of Anthropocene Knowledge


IV. Anthropocene Formations


Symbiotic Worlds. Theories and Practices of Coexistence in Lynn Margulis and Donna Haraway


Selected Publications

Rodeck, Salome (2022). “Recycelte Körper: Revisionen des Todes im Anthropozän.” In Erden: naturphilosophische Brocken, ed. I. Gurschler, A. L. Hofbauer, and A. Klose, 79–90. Wien: Sonderzahl.

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Wilson, Matthew C. (2021). Conversation Anthropogenic Markers. Interview by Salome Rodeck. Anthropogenic Markers: Stratigraphy and Context October 21, 2021.…

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Rodeck, Salome (2019). “Dying with ‘Infinity Mushrooms’ — Mortuary Rituals, Mycoremediation and Multispecies Legacies.” Women, Gender & Research, no. 3–4: 62–73.

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Past Events


Situating the Symbiotic Planet: A Workshop on Lynn Margulis in Science, Culture, and Society


In Search of 'A New Planetary Culture': Lynn Margulis and the Lindisfarne Association, 1974-1998