Reinhart Meyer-Kalkus
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
Dr., Prof. Dr., University of Potsdam
Reinhart Meyer-Kalkus teaches German literature at the University of Potsdam, having spent twenty-two years as Scientific Coordinator at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. His research and teaching interests are in literature and performance within a large cultural, media, scholarly, and socio-political context. He is currently finishing a book on the art of declamation (“Literarische Vortragskunst”) from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. His thesis is that the performance of literature through reading aloud, declamation, and recitation by different agents (including authors, actors and professional reciters, schoolteachers, and lay people) has been an important part of German-speaking literary life since the Enlightenment.
Authors' Voices on Records and Radio 1889-1932
Selected Publications
Elkana, Y. (2015). Leben in Kontexten / Life in contexts (R. Meyer-Kalkus,
Read MoreEd. ). Berlin: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
Ligeti, G., & Neuweiler, G. (2007). Motorische Intelligenz: Zwischen Musik und Naturwissenschaft (R. Meyer-Kalkus,
Read MoreEd. ). Berlin: Wagenbach.
Meyer-Kalkus, R. (2001). Stimme und Sprechkünste im 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
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Meyer-Kalkus, R. (1994). Die akademische Mobilität zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich 1925 - 1992. Bonn: DAAD.
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Meyer-Kalkus, R. (1986). Wollust und Grausamkeit: Affektenlehre und Affektdarstellung in Lohensteins Dramatik am Beispiel von "Agrippina". Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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Past Events
Author’s Voices on Records in Germany, 1889–1932