Rebecca Jackson
Postdoctoral Fellow (2023–2024)
Rebecca L. Jackson is a historian and philosopher of measurement and methodology. In July 2023, she received her PhD in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine from Indiana University Bloomington. Her dissertation, Measuring “Well”: Clinical Measuring Practices and Philosophy of Measurement, examined cases of non-standard, patient-centric measuring practices in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As a Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Research Group “Practices of Validation in the Biomedical Sciences” at the MPIWG, Rebecca was focused on the development of idiographic (individualized) indexes for measuring health-related quality of life. Her research traced the intertwined lineage of boundary-work and methodological debates on whether “clinimetrics” (the development of clinical indexes) deserves to be treated as a distinct discipline from, rather than an application of, psychometrics.
Previously, Rebecca has held predoctoral fellowships at the Science History Institute and the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia. Her work on the failure of standardized instruments for measuring the cervix during labor has been featured in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (2022) and in a symposium, which received the Interdisciplinary Organized Session Prize from the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) in 2021. Her research on the “drop” as a nonstandard fluid unit in nineteenth-century Anglo-American medicine was featured in Perspectives on Science (2021) and received the Maurice Daumas Prize from the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) in 2023. Her coauthored work (with Claudia Cristalli) on reconstructing a psychophysical experiment conducted by C.S. Peirce and Joseph Jastrow in 1885 was published in Nuncius in November 2023.
Measuring a Patient: Psychometric and Clinimetric Validation Practices and the Emergence of Idiographic Indexes, 1970s–2000s
Selected Publications
Jackson, Rebecca (2023). “How the Cervix Killed the Cervimeter: A Nonstandard Story of Successful Measurement.” Measurement 222 (Article 113652). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113652.
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Cristalli, Claudia and Rebecca Jackson (2023). “From Postal Scale to Psychological Apparatus: A History of Experimental Psychology Through the Reconstruction of Peirce and Jastrow’s ‘On Small Differences of Sensation’ (1885).” Nuncius : journal of the history of science 38 (3): 553–582. https://doi.org/10.1163/18253911-bja10066.
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Past Events
In Search of Biomedical Validity: Towards a Cross-Disciplinary History of Validation Practices
MOREPresentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities
ISOQOL 30th Annual Conference, International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL)
Measurement at the Crossroads 2020-2022: Measuring and Modeling, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; Society for the Study of Measurement
ISHPSSB Biennial Meeting, International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB)
Philosophy of Science Association 27th Biennial Meeting, Philosophy of Science Association
Measurement at the Crossroads: History, Philosophy and Sociology of Measurement, Paris Diderot University (Paris 7)