
Pedro Raposo



I got my DPhil degree in the History of Science from the University of Oxford in 2011, with a thesis in the history of astronomy in the nineteenth- and the early-twentieth centuries. Since 2011 I have been working as a post-doctoral fellow at the CIUHCT - Inter-University Centre for the History of Science and Technology (Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon). 
My post-doctoral project (funded by the FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) addresses observatory sciences (astronomy, geodesy, geophysics and related fields such as hydrography) in Portugal and her former overseas empire, in the period 1850-1975. The project approaches the practices involved in those sciences, their development across different geographical contexts and disciplinary boundaries, and their relation with empire and colonialism. It entails research topics such the establishment and development of colonial observatories and observation networks, the Portuguese hydrographic and geodetic surveys in Africa, and the use of astronomy in the imperialist discourse of the dictatorial regime known as "Estado Novo".
I am currently a member of the steering committee of the STEP - Science and Technology in the European Peripheries network. 


Pedro M. P. Raposo, Ana Simões, Manolis Patiniotis, José Bertomeu-Sanchez, ‘Moving Localities and Creative Circulation: Travels as knowledge production in eighteenth-century Europe’, Centaurus (published online 22/7/2014) DOI: 10.1111/1600-0498.12066


Pedro M. P. Raposo, ‘Time, weather and empires: the Campos Rodrigues Observatory in Mozambique (1905-1930)’, Annals of Science  (published online 17/6/2014)  DOI: 10.1080/00033790.2014.917352


Pedro M. P. Raposo, ‘Surveyors of the Promised Land: hydrographic engineers and the techno-scientific resurgence of the Portuguese overseas empire’, HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology 7 (2013): 85-119. 


Pedro M. P. Raposo, ‘‘Method and much scientific probity’: Hugo de Lacerda and the Chair of Hydrography of the Lisbon Naval School (1897-1907)’, in R. Pisano, D. Capecchi (eds.), Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Society and Technologies (Dordrecht: Springer, forthcoming).


Alice Santiago Faria, Pedro M. P. Raposo (org.), Mobilidade e circulação: perspectivas em história da ciência e da tecnologia  (Lisboa: CIUHCT/CHAAM, 2014)



Selected Publications

Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Norton de Matos's scientific colonialism and the João Capelo Observatory in Luanda

6th ESHS Conference, Lisbon

Artificial skies and real telescopes: Conceição Silva (1903-1969), the Gulbenkian Planetarium, and the ATM movement in Portugal

9th STEP meeting, Lisbon

Empire and time: the circulation of timekeeping instruments and techniques in the Portuguese overseas empire (1905-1930)

XXXIII Scientific Instrument Symposium, Tartu, Estonia

The sphere and the dome: the Gulbenkian Planetarium in Lisbon and the Imperial Myth of the Estado Novo

International Workshop: The Spatial Inscriptions of Science - Exhibitions, Devices, Architecture, Musée Curie, Paris

Observatories, instruments and colonialism: the case of the João Capelo Observatory in Luanda

University of Nantes, Centre François Viète