Masahiro Terada in front of an ornamental window

Masahiro Terada

Visiting Scholar (2016)

MA, Visiting Associate Professor, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

Masahiro Terada is a historian who belongs to the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (Kyoto, Japan) as a visiting associate professor. Starting as a socio-economic historian of eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, his research interest shifted to the problem of historical representation and narrative of history. Now, based on the method of metahistory, he concentrates on analyzing the Anthropocene concept from a viewpoint of historical narrative. He also focuses on the human condition during and after devastating natural and manmade disasters. In the “Anthropocene Campus/The Technosphere Issue” held in HKW in April 2016, he convened the seminar “Co-evolutionary Perspectives on the Technosphere” with Manfred Laubichler, Daniel Niles, and Jürgen Renn. He contributed to exhibitions including “Someday, for somebody: Museum of memory after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake,” Kobe: CAP House, 2005; and “Documenting Disaster 1703-2003: Earthquake, Volcanic Explosion, Tsunami, and Reconstruction, Chiba” at the National Museum of Japanese History, 2003.


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The Anthropocene Discourse as a Historical Narrative


Selected Publications

Terada Masahiro 寺田匡宏 and Daniel Niles, eds. (2021). Jinshinsei o tou: kankyō, jinbun, Ajia no shiten 人新世を問う: 環境, 人文, アジアの視点 [Anthropocene and Asia: Investigation, Critique, and Contribution from the Environmental Humanities Perspective]. Kyōto:…

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Terada, Masahiro (2021). Jinbun chikyu kankyogaku: hito, mono, ikimono to sekai/shuttai 人文 地球環境学: ひと、もの、いきものと世界/出来 [Geo-Humanities: Becoming of the World, or Human Being, Living Thing, and Thing in the Anthropocene]. Sosho chikyu no naratibu. Kyōto…

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Terada Masahiro 寺田匡宏 (2018). Katasutorofu to jikan: kioku/katari to rekishi no enerugeia カタストロフと時間: 記憶/語りと歴史の生成 [Catastrophe and Time: Memory, Narrative, and the Energeia of History]. RIHN Book Series of Environmental Humanities. Kyōto: Kyōto…

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Terada Masahiro 寺田匡宏 (2018). “Chōkō toshite no sentan gijutsu to ‘miraishi’ o kakukoto : ‘sentangijutsu to mukiau’ imi 兆候としての先端技術と‘未来史’を書くこと: ‘先端技術と向き合う’意味 [Technology as Symptom and Writing the ‘History’ of Future].” Humanity & Nature…

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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Nature, Artificiality, and Becoming. Seminar "Co-evolutionary perspective on the Technosphere"

Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Anthropocene Curriculum
Nature, Artificiality, and Becoming: Anthropocene/ Technosphere Thesis as a Historical Narrative.

Kyoto: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

[Workshop] Conceptualizing the persistence of human-environmental knowledge through time, objects, and landscapes
The Anthropocene concept and Japanese historical narrative: Becoming, nature, and artificiality

Kyoto: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature