Lotte Schüßler facing to the camera

Lotte Schüssler

Postdoctoral Scholar (2023–2024)


Lotte Schüßler is a media and theatre scholar who obtained her PhD in media studies from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2020 with a thesis on large-scale theatre exhibitions around 1900 (Theaterausstellungen. Spielräume der Geisteswissenschaften um 1900, Wallstein 2022). During her PhD, she was a visiting predoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Research Group Epistemes of Modern Acoustics. Before joining the MPIWG as a postdoctoral fellow, she worked as a research associate at the Department of Musicology and Media Studies at Humboldt-Universität and the Institute of Theatre Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. She also held a junior fellowship at the Vossius Center for the History of the Humanities and Sciences of the University of Amsterdam. As part of Department II’s Research Group Data, Media, Mind, Lotte is working on the use and reuse of paper in the history of humanities.


The Use and Reuse of Paper in the Humanities


Theater Exhibitions, Exhibition Media, and the Humanities around 1900


Selected Publications

Schüßler, Lotte (2024). “Distance Education During a Paper Shortage: Wartime Economics, Efficiency, and the Nazi Humanities at the Front.” Journal for the History of Knowledge 5.

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Schüßler, Lotte (2019). “Curating Exhibitions, Ordering Disciplines: Theater Studies and Musicology in the Vienna Rotunda, 1892.” History of Humanities 4 (2): 423–450.

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Schüßler, Lotte (2022). “Theatre Exhibitions, Models and the Quest for Anschauung.” Theatre Research International 47 (1): 79–98.

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Oertzen, Christine von and Lotte Schüßler (2022). “Für, mit und auf Papier: Papiertechnologien und ihre Versorgungsketten.” Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 14 (2): 119–136.

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Oberkrome, Friederike and Lotte Schüßler, eds. (2023). Arbeiten zwischen Medien und Künsten. Feministische Perspektiven auf die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Neofelis.

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Schüßler, Lotte (2022). “First-wave Theaterfrauen.” In Unerhörte Theatergeschichten. Ein Lesebuch, ed. S. Hulfeld, 133–151. Wien: Hollitzer.

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Schüßler, Lotte (2022). Theaterausstellungen: Spielräume der Geisteswissenschaften um 1900. Göttingen: Wallstein.

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News & Press

Lotte Marie Schüßler awarded Förderpreis der Gesellschaft für Theatergeschichte

