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Leander Diener
Postdoctoral Fellow (Jul 2023–Jun 2025)
Leander Diener holds a Master's in German Studies and History from the University of Zurich and a Master's in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine from King's College London. In 2021 he completed his PhD on the history of neurophysiology in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries at the University of Zurich. During his dissertation he spent a research stay at the Countway Library of Medicine (Harvard University) and at the CHSTM at the University of Manchester. From 2021 to 2023 he worked as a research assistant and lecturer at the Chair of Medical History at the University of Zurich and at the University of Fribourg. During this time he published his first book on the history of the international high alpine research station Jungfraujoch in Switzerland. In his current research project, Leander examines the history of geologic time in glaciology and geology. More specifically, he investigates the study of glacier life cycles and geological time as applied knowledge in alpine danger zones. This research project is part of the working group "Time Scales: Historicizing Deep Time" led by Sophia Roosth. Leander is co-editor of a newly founded book series on body history at Schwabe Verlag (Basel/Berlin).
Selected Publications
Diener, Leander (2024). “Review of: Meiske, Martin: Die Geburt des Geoengineerings: Großbauprojekte in der Frühphase des Anthropozäns. Göttingen: Wallstein 2021.” Technology and Culture 65 (4): 1376–1378. https://doi.org/10.1353/tech.2024.a940483.
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Diener, Leander (2023). “The European Perspective on Pandemics.” Isis 114 (S1): 464–497. https://doi.org/10.1086/726993.
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Diener, Leander (2023). “‘Flop of Europe’. Hochalpine Ruinen, ungenutzte Infrastrukturen und das Genfer Observatorium auf dem Jungfraujoch, 1927–1960. .” Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte, no. 2: 108–123. https://doi.org/10.5169/seals-1046620.
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Diener, Leander (2022). Das Jungfraujoch. Eine Geschichte der hochalpinen Forschungsstation. Zürich: HIER UND JETZT VERLAG.
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