profile picture of Karsten Lichau (long hair, glasses, red sweater)

Karsten Lichau

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)

PhD, Researcher, Centre Marc Bloch

Karsten Lichau studied historical anthropology and educational sciences. His PhD thesis was entitled Menschengesichte. Max Picards literarische Physiognomik (Akademie/De Gruyter 2014), and was written in the DFG-funded graduate school “Staging the Body” at the Freie Universität Berlin. He currently works at Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, with research interests in the body and the senses within their historical-anthropological and cultural contexts, and in the role of sound, emotion, and religion in the staging of politics. His recent research has focused on the cultural history of the minute’s silence in Britain, France, and Germany.  Karsten Lichau’s current project at the research group “Epistemes of Modern Acoustics” (“Synchronizing Sounded Communities: Acoustical Practices in the Minute’s Silence and Early Radio Theory”) analyzes and compares experiences of listening in two very different historical practices: the minute’s silence and early radio theory.


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Synchronizing Sounded Communities: Acoustical Practices in the Minute’s Silence and Early Radio Theory


Selected Publications

Lichau, K. (2014).. währenddessen auf zwei Minuten jeder Ton und jede Bewegung aussetzt: die Schweigeminute als akustische Inszenierung politischer Einheit. In P. Gerhard, & R. Schock (Eds.), Sound der Zeit: Geräusche, Töne, Stimmen – 1889 bis heute (pp. 561-568). Göttingen: Wallstein.

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Lichau, K. (2013). "The moving, awe-inspiring silence":zum "emotionalen Potential" der Schweigeminute. In C. Jarzebowski, & A. Kwaschik (Eds.), Performing Emotions: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Politik und Emotion in der Frühen Neuzeit und in der Moderne (pp. 69-92). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

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