Ursula Klein
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Feb 2020–Dec 2025)
Prof. Dr.
Ursula Klein is a historian of science associated with the MPIWG and adjunct professor of philosophy at the University of Konstanz. She was the leader of an independent research group (1998–2004) and a group leader (2004–2020) at the MPIWG. From 1996–1998 she was a visiting scholar at Harvard University and from 1997–1998 a senior resident fellow at the Dibner Institute (MIT, Cambridge). In 2007 the University of Vienna offered her the chair for history and philosophy of science (which she declined). She is a member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher/Leopoldina (since 2008), and a member of AcademiaNet. In 2016 she received the HIST Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Chemistry sponsored by the American Chemical Society.
She is a member of the editorial boards of Ambix, Annals of Science, Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Centaurus, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, and Hyle.
In 2000 she achieved her habilitation in philosophy at the University of Konstanz, where she also completed her PhD in philosophy in 1993 (summa cum laude; dissertation award of the district of Konstanz). In 1979 she took the Higher State Exam in chemistry and biology at the Free University of Berlin, and from 1980–1988 she was a teacher of chemistry and biology.
Current Projects
Completed Projects
Selected Publications
All Publications from PuRe
Klein, Ursula (2024). “Review of: Jackson, Catherine M.: Molecular World: Making Modem Chemistry. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 2023.” Isis 115 (3): 668–669. https://doi.org/10.1086/731465.
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Klein, Ursula (2022). “Review of: Aronova, Elena: Scientific History: Experiments in History and Politics from the Bolshevik Revolution to the End of the Cold War. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press 2021.” Journal of the History of…
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Klein, Ursula (2022). “Theory and Concepts: Transformations of Chemical Ideas in the Eighteenth Century.” In A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century, ed. M. D. Eddy and U. Klein, 23–44. London: Bloomsbury.
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Eddy, Matthew D. and Ursula Klein, eds. (2022). A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century. A Cultural History of Chemistry 4. London: Bloomsbury.
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Past Events
Signals of Climate Evolution: The Deep Past as the Key to the Imminent Future
The Formalization of Historical Reasoning
Earth System Science in Political Context
Energy Demand Forecasts: Constructing Demand or a Means to Save Energy?
Whose History Are We Reading? Bringing (Local) Knowledge from Africa into the Global Discourse
Hierarchies. The Max Planck Society in Gender Trouble
ModelSEN—Socio-Epistemic Networks: Modelling Historical Knowledge Processes
Reapproaching the Great Acceleration from a Historical Critical Perspective
Humboldts Preußen
- Institute Event
The Making of Useful Knowledge
- Institute Event
Down-To-Earth Chemistry: Between the Country and the City