Room 010
I have an MA in Philosophy from the Freie Universität Berlin (1988), following which I worked on projects including Hegel's natural philosophy (1994); the concept of heat and the "Bewegung des Begriffs" (1995–2001); development of internet technologies; and electronic publishing. I also worked for ARS Mentis GbR (1995); KERN elektronisches Publizieren (1996–2000); and space2go.com GmbH & Co. KG (2000–2001).
As a member of the MPIWG since 2001, I developed and conceptualized the Mediathek online informational media (audio and video) repository, and worked on visualization, publishing, and archiving scientific content with internet technologies for the International Research Network "History of Scientific Objects."
Multimedia and the History of Science/Sound of Silk Film Project
Selected Publications
Kern, Hartmut (1998). “‘Es ist die Materie nur als reine Kraft, oder das Zeugungsvermögen.’” In Hegels Jenaer Naturphilosophie, ed. K. Vieweg, 289–299. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
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