
Joeri Bruyninckx

Research Scholar (2015–2018)


Joeri Bruyninckx is a Research Scholar in the Max Planck Research Group “Epistemes of Modern Acoustics.” He is concerned with the relationship between modes of listening and scientific conceptions of auditory perception, and the ways these were mobilized in knowledge practices in twentieth-century field biology, contemporary experimental sciences, and the postwar workspace.

Joeri completed his PhD at Maastricht University and the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC). Before coming to Berlin, he spent semesters at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Cornell University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was a postdoctoral researcher in the Dutch NWO-funded research program “Sonic Skills: Sound and Listening in the Development of Science, Technology and Medicine (1920–now).” He is currently assistant professor of Science and Technology Studies at the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences at Maastricht University.

Joeri’s present project relates to the history of sound control and the formation of attentive/distracted listening in the office, classroom, and cockpit. It examines the conditions under which acoustic knowledge came to be applied in the engineering of complex tasks involving mental work, vigilance, signal discrimination, or decision making. With the Epistemes of Modern Acoustics group, he is also developing a new digital humanities website and archive project, Sound & Science: Digital Histories, which collects historical sources at the interface of sound and science. His book Listening in the Field: Recording and the Science of Birdsong will appear in March 2018 with the MIT Press.



Sound & Science: Digital Histories


Listening and the Shaping of Work Performance in the Twentieth Century


Sound Science: Recording and Listening in the Biology of Bird Song


Selected Publications

Bruyninckx, J., & Supper, A. (2016). Sonic skills in cultural contexts: theories, practices and materialities of listening. Sound Studies, 2(1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/20551940.2016.1214444.

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Bruyninckx, J. (2015). Trading twitter: amateur recorders and economies of scientific exchange at the Cornell Library of Natural Sounds. Social Studies of Science, 45(3), 344-370. doi:10.1177/0306312715580404.

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