Region, Practice, and Genre

Putting Knowledge to Use in the History of Science in South Asia

herb picker in ceremonial cloth in red

“‘The Herb Picker’ ceromonial cloth,” Southeast India, 17th/18th century,
Karun Thakar Collection, London.

This month-long workshop explores how knowledge has been put to use in South Asia. Bringing together scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, “Region,Practice, and Genre” investigates the geographies, politics, and the everyday life of natural knowledge across South Asia. The workshop focuses on the precolonial period, although it keeps a constant eye towards the epistemic changes brought about in the colonial and the postcolonial periods. Working across languages, regions,and genres often kept at arm’s length from each other,the workshop encourages participants to think widely about what might be included within the history of science. Participants are invited to share works in progress as well as primary sources—texts, images, landscapes,instruments, and objects—to think through as a group.

Region, Practice, and Genre Workshop Series


Region, Practice, and Genre: Putting Knowledge to Use in the History of Science in South Asia. "Regionality of Knowledge" MPIWG Room 265


Region, Practice, and Genre: Putting Knowledge to Use in the History of Science in South Asia. "Practical Knowledge and Knowledgeable Practice" Harnack Haus


Region, Practice, and Genre: Putting Knowledge to Use in the History of Science in South Asia. "Genres of Knowledge" Harnack Haus
