"Moving Crops and the Scales of History" Awarded the Edelstein Prize 2024
- Jul 25, 2024
- Institute News
- Dept. III
- Francesca BrayBarbara HahnJohn Bosco LourdusamyTiago Saraiva
- Moving Crops and the Scales of History
The authors of the book Moving Crops and the Scales of History (Yale University Press 2023)—Francesca Bray, Barbara Hahn, John Bosco Lourdusamy, and Tiago Saraiva—have been awarded the Edelstein Prize 2024.
The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) has awarded the prize in honor of Dr. Sidney Edelstein since 1968, recognizing researchers with outstanding contributions in the field of the history of technology.
This book is a bold but approachable attempt to redefine historical inquiry based on the “cropscape”: the assemblage of people, places, creatures, technologies, and other elements that form around a crop.