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Berlin, October 12, 2023 – The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) celebrated the launch of Department II, "Knowledge Systems and Collective Life," directed by historian Etienne Benson. The innovative new department will take historical, ethnographic, multimedia, and community-engaged approaches to deepen our understanding of the historical roots of contemporary crises—environmental, epidemiological, economic, diplomatic, and others—and the forms of knowledge that have been mobilized to address them.
Click to view photo gallery.
Lecture by Etienne Benson. (Source: Marvin Müller / MPIWG, 2023.)
(Source: Marvin Müller / MPIWG, 2023.)
(Source: Marvin Müller / MPIWG, 2023.)
(Source: Marvin Müller / MPIWG, 2023.)
(Source: Marvin Müller / MPIWG, 2023.)
(Source: Marvin Müller / MPIWG, 2023.)
Event Highlights
The launch event was attended by MPIWG members, alumni, and external guests. The diverse program began with a welcome introduction by MPIWG Director Dagmar Schäfer, and a lecture by Etienne Benson that shed light on the core research areas of the department.
Researchers from the new department showcased their projects through informative poster presentations. These included:
The event was followed by a reception and poster display at the MPIWG.
Gratitude to the Organizers
This event was made possible by the dedication and hard work of the Department II office team. Special thanks to Kerstin Hinrichsen, Maria Beierlein de Gutiérrez, Kseniia Mohelsky, Esther Beneker, Lotta Feibicke, and Pirmin Kuss.