De Sphaera CorpusTracer Database Launched
The Sphaera CorpusTracer database has been launched! The project The Sphere. Knowledge System Evolution and the Shared Scientific Identity of Europe, led by Senior Research Scholar Matteo Valleriani, investigates the knowledge tradition that is interwoven with the history of one book: De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco. Through the database, developed by Florian Kräutli, researchers can access the bibliographic data of 320 books that contain, or are related to, the text by Sacrobosco. The data covers books published between 1472 and 1650.

The entry page of the Sphaera CorpusTracer database

Associated books are displayed for each person, alongside short biographical information and related links to other sources

View of a book record on Sphaera CorpusTracer

The structured search interface enables browsing based on different entities and their relationships
The project involved the work of 14 people within the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, across four different areas located at the level of the Institute’s infrastructure (Communication, Research IT, and Library) and in Department I.