Jul 20, 2023
Overseas Development, Foreign Areas, and Chinese "World-Writing"
- 14:00 to 15:30
- Lecture
- Lise Meitner Research Group
- Several Speakers
- Han Cheng
- Dieu Linh Bui Dao
The recent two-decade-long march of "Global China" has left sweeping (but variegated) footprints in many parts of the world. Accompanying this is the increasing interest among Chinese political and intellectual elites in constructing a globally oriented knowledge base. In his talk, Han Cheng will discuss the coeval (re)emergence of China’s international development studies and foreign area studies in light of the sociospatial reconfiguration of China’s overseas connectivity. Drawing on extensive fieldwork, he examines this nascent phenomenon of Chinese "world-writing" and develops a critical geography of individuals, institutions, and ideologies that have shaped the spatially and politically situated processes of knowledge production. By tracing the genealogy of the still loose but consolidating state-disciplinary apparatus, he makes visible the unfolding of a division of social scientific labour at a complicated moment of geopolitical flux. It is argued that "Global China" should be understood not only as an economic and geopolitical force, but as a critical intellectual project.
Contact and Registration
This event is open to all at the Institute and those from outside of the MPIWG. A limited number of places are available. Please register at the following link:
For further information, please contact Dieu Linh Bui Dao.