Oct 29, 2018
Euclid on the Road. Cross-Cultural Transmission, Translation, and Transformation of the Elements
- 09:00 to 17:30
- Workshop
- Modern Geometry and the Concept of SpaceDept. Renn
- Several Speakers
- Sonja Brentjes
- Angela Axworthy
- Antoni Malet
- Karine Chemla
- Shuyuan Pan
- Jens Braarvig
- 09:00–9.30: Vincenzo De Risi (Welcome And Introduction)
- 09:30–10:30: Michalis Sialaros
- 10:30–10:45: Break
- 10:45–11:45: Sonja Brentjes
- 11:45–12:00: Break
- 12:00–13:00: Angela Axworthy
- 13:00–14:00: Lunch
- 14:00–15:00: Antoni Malet
- 15:00–15:15: Break
- 15:15–16:15: Shuyuan Pan, Karine Chemla,
- 16:15-16:30: Break
- 16:30–17:30: Jens Braarvig
MPIWG, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Room 219
Contact and Registration
For further information please contact Vincenzo De Risi