Jan 24-25, 2014
Anthropocene Curriculum Workshop
- 00:00
- Workshop
- Dept. Renn
- Several Speakers
- Katrin Klingan
- Cordula Hamschmidt
- Sabine Höhler
- Ioan Negrutiu
- Bronislaw Szerszynski
- Mark Lawrence
- Miriam Diamond
- Paul Edwards
- Will Steffen
- Marco Armiero
- Jürgen Renn
- Armin Reller
- Jan Zalasiewicz
- Sverker Sörlin
- Armin Linke
- John Palmesino
- Anselm Franke
- Eyal Weizman
- Sarah Whatmore
- Erle Ellis
- Pierre Bélanger
- Reinhold Leinfelder
- Helmuth Trischler
- Wolfgang Lucht
- Amita Baviskar
- Pablo Jensen
- Philipp Oswalt
- Elena Bougleux
- Adrian Lahoud
- Natalie Jeremijenko
- Manfred Laubichler
- Christoph Rosol
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Contact and Registration
About This Series
The “Anthropocene Curriculum” is an experiment in higher education as well as an investigation into the manifold implications of the “geological age of mankind”. The workshop supports a collaborative effort of 30 international scholars from a multitude of disciplines in developing a modular corpus of knowledge that will be put into teaching practice in November 2014 at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Due to limited space registration is required.