Alfred Freeborn is a Research Scholar in the Department on Knowledge Systems and Collective Life (Benson) and a former member of the Research Group on Practices of Validation in the Biomedical Sciences (Keuck) at the MPIWG. Alfred currently investigates changes in how psychiatric research has been evaluated as part of the postwar globalization of biomedicine. Alfred studied for a BA in History at the University of Cambridge, receiving the Cambridge Historical Society Prize for his dissertation on early modern utopian writing. In 2015, he was awarded an Isaac Newton Trust scholarship to complete an MPhil in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science where he worked on diverse areas of research from Enlightenment cartography to twentieth-century social theory. 

In 2016, Alfred moved to Berlin to pursue a doctorate at the Chair for the History of Science at the Humboldt University. His doctorate combined recently declassified archival sources from the UK Medical Research Council with oral historical interviews to critically examine the rise of biological psychiatry in postwar Britain. In 2020, Alfred was a visiting scholar at the German Historical Institute in London and a visiting lecturer in the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck, where he taught courses on the history of the human sciences. He has published on the historiography of the neurosciences and the philosophy of biomarker research in contemporary biomedicine. In 2024, he received the Early Career Prize of the History of the Human Sciences journal for his work on postwar methodological reforms in psychiatric diagnosis. Currently, he is involved in several collaborative projects in the history of biomedicine while also completing his first monograph Biomedical Madness: Schizophrenia and the Making of Biological Psychiatry.


Biomedical Visions: Aesthetics, Epistemology, and Medical Practice


Commoning Biomedicine: Networking Decentralized Collections of Oral Histories


CORAL: Commoning Oral Histories of Knowledge


History of Statistical Thinking and Practice in Medicine


Living Knowledge


Seeking Global Validation: Scales of Validity in Psychiatric and Biomedical Research


The History of Lucid Dreaming Research: An Interdisciplinary Oral History


Selected Publications

Freeborn, Alfred (2025). “Testing Psychiatrists to Diagnose Schizophrenia: Crisis, Consensus, and Computers in Post-war Psychiatry.” History of the Human Sciences, January 24, 2025.

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Freeborn, Alfred, Lara K. Keuck, and Hanna Lucia Worliczek (2024). “Did Hamilton Ever Use the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression? Reflections on the (Re-)Use of Oral Histories and Their Accessibility via the ComBio Website.” Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 54 (4): 527–534.

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Keuck, Lara K. and Alfred Freeborn (2020). “The Limits of Biomarkers. Contemporary Re-Phrasings of Canguilhem.” In Vital Norms: Canguilhem’s “The Normal and the Pathological” in the Twenty-First Century, ed. P.-O. Méthot, 346–367. Paris: Hermann.

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Freeborn, Alfred (2019). “The History of the Brain and Mind Sciences.” History of the Human Sciences 32 (3): 145–154.

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Upcoming Events


Amazongraphy: An Ecopolitics of Environmental Crises


Science after Progress. Ethnographic Approaches to Anthropogenic Biologies and Chemicals


An Entangled History of Creative Problem Solving in the GDR


The Anxiety of Academic Freedom in Illiberal Times


Past Events


On Her Way to Cook: Women, Technology, and Cooking Knowledge in Peruvian History


Discussion: Collective Life / Collectivities beyond Life


Charting the Shattered Sea: Geopolitical Conflicts and East Asian Oceanography in the 20th Century


Käthe Seidel and the Social Life of Sediments


At Arm’s Lengths: Octopus Consciousness as a Scientific and Legal Artifact


Predicting Parasite Pathologies? Coordination, Validity, and Values in Decision-Making in Serological Screening for Toxoplasmosis During Pregnancy in the 1970s


Dept. II Opening Symposium & Oral History Practitioners’ Meeting


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Psychiatric Epidemiology and the Quest for Global Mental Health

European Society for the History of Science Conference, Barcelona

Psychiatric Epidemiology and the Quest for Global Mental Health

Centre Marc Bloch

Psychiatric Epidemiology and the Question of Scale

Speaker Series in the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA

Crisis and Consensus: Regulating Psychiatric Diagnosis after WW II

European Association for the History of Medicine and Health Biennal Conference, Oslo

Testing Psychiatrists to Diagnose Schizophrenia: Statistical Validation and Professional Self-Regulation in postwar Psychiatry

Universität Erfurt

Historisches Seminar
In Search of Biomedical Validity: Towards a Cross-Disciplinary History of Validation Practices

Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, University of Toronto Symposium, together with Simon Brausch, Sam Ducourant, Ariane Hanemaayer, Lara Keuck, Michele Luchetti, and Hanna Worliczek

Testing Psychiatrists to Regulate Diagnosis after WWII

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Between Transcultural Disease and International Diagnostic Concept: The International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia (1965-1973)

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

Health Beyond Medicine
Between Transcultural Disease and International Diagnostic Concept: The International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia (1965–1973)

Evidenzpraktiken Workshop. Villa Vigoni, Italy

Practicing Oral History and the Politics of Novelty in the Life Sciences

7. Offenes Forum Geschichte der Lebenswissenschaften (FoGeL), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany

FoGeL 2021
Making Biological Psychiatry in Britain around 1970

British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference

Forgetting Functional Psychosis: Biological Psychiatry in Post-WWII Britain and the Rediscovery of the Schizophrenic Brain, 1970-1994

German Historical Institute Stipendiatenkolloquium

Measuring the “Broken Brain”: Neuroimaging and the “Biological Revolution” in American and British Psychiatry 1970–2000

American Association for the History of Medicine Annual Conference

Medien & Features

Nachrichten & Presse

Alfred Freeborn mit dem Early Career Preis der Zeitschrift History of the Human Sciences ausgezeichnet


Globalizing Schizophrenia: History and Legacy of the WHO Schizophrenia Studies (Frist 1. Dec. 2023)
