- Mai 20, 2020
- 00:07:35
History of Science ON CALL: Bettina Wahrig
- Bettina Wahrig
- Research Communication and Management
- History of Science ON CALL: Listening, Attending, Acting
Historian Prof. Dr. Bettina Wahrig for the History of Science ON CALL project, asking:
- What kind of scientific framework do you use to approach the current COVID-19 crisis?
Profile: Bettina Wahrig
Prof. Dr. Bettina Wahrig studied medicine and philosophy in Marburg. She worked freelance in Florence and as a research assistant and university assistant at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science in Lübeck. Since 1997, she has been Professor of the History of Pharmacy and Science at the Technical University of Braunschweig. She was also a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and at the University of Strasbourg. Her research focuses on the scientific and cultural history of poisons, history of toxicology, history of the health system and pharmaceuticals and gender from a historical perspective.
About the History of Science ON CALL Project
History of Science ON CALL aggregates and amplifies two streams of information—Research and Education—relevant to crises, including chronic disasters. The Research stream consists of short-format video interviews while the Education stream seeks to aggregate and introduce known resources and materials—scholarship and teaching tools—in order to amplify their reach.