Sabine Arnaud
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
PhD, Professor HDR
Sabine Arnaud’s research focuses on the instrumentalization of the question of deafness in the construction of various disciplines, and the study of conflicting new conceptions of the human and of normality/abnormality. Studying deafness from the seventeenth to the late nineteenth century, her project traces the crucial role that language has played in how we define humanity, and analyzes the many ways in which this relationship has been articulated (voice and sign language). The new research project follows the completion of a monograph on hysteria published by the Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in January 2014, which won the « Prix d’histoire de la médecine » awarded by the French Society for the History of Medicine and the Academy of Medicine, the prize « Bourse Marcelle Blum » awarded by the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, and the prize for young historians by the International Academy of the History of Science (granted unanimously). A version in English appeared with The University of Chicago Press in 2015 as On Hysteria: The Invention of a Medical Category (1670-1820). Sabine Arnaud is a member of the editorial board of the journal History of Human Sciences, published by Sage.
A US doctorate in Comparative Literature (City University of New York) in cotutelle with a French thesis in History and Civilizations (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and graduate theses in Philosophy and Art History (Paris VIII-Vincennes-Saint Denis) have guided Sabine Arnaud’s approach to visual and textual documents.
Before joining the MPIWG, Sabine Arnaud was an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University. Her research on hysteria has previously been supported by a Milton Brown Dissertation Fellowship and fellowships from the New York Academy of Medicine, the Société Internationale d’Etude des Femmes de l’Ancien Régime, the Countway Library of Harvard University, the Glasscock Center for Humanities Research at Texas A&M University, the Institute for Cultural Inquiry in Berlin, and The Institute for the Medical Humanities of The University of Texas.
Encounters between Medicine, Literature, Philosophy, and their Circulation in Public Debates
Legal History, History of Criminology and History of Psychiatry
Medicalization at the Intersection of the History of Psychology and the History of Education
The Construction of Deafness in Western Europe and the United States (Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries)
The Writing of the Category of Hysteria (1670–1820)
Selected Publications
Arnaud, S. (2014). L'invention de l'hystérie au temps des Lumières (1670-1820). Paris: Ed. de l'EHESS.
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Arnaud, S. (2012). De la dénomination d'une maladie à son assignation: l' hystérie et la différence sexuelle entre 1750 et 1820. In E. Viennot (
Read MoreEd. ), Revisiter la "querelle des femmes": discours sur l' égalité/ inégalité des sexes, de 1750 aux lendemains de la Révolution (pp. 131-147). Saint-Etienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne.
Arnaud, S. (2011). Ruse and reappropriation in the French eighteenth century: 'La philosophy of the vapours' by C.-J. de B. de Paumerelle. French Studies, 65(2), 174-187. doi:10.1093/fs/Knq248.
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Arnaud, S. (2012). S/he who traps last traps best: the diagnosis of vapours and the writing of observations in late eighteenth-century France. In S. Arnaud, & H. Jordheim (
Read MoreEds. ), Le corps et ses images dans l' Europe du dix-huitième siècle / The body and its images (pp. 147-165). Paris: Champion.
Arnaud, S. (2010). Autobiographies of Illness as Medical Legitimacy in the Works of Francis Fuller, George Cheyne, Charles Révillon and the Count de Puységur. In C. F. E. Holzhey (
Read MoreEd. ), Tension/Spannung (pp. 49-70). Berlin: Turia & Kant.
Arnaud, S. (2010). Review of: Gilles Barroux, Philosophie, maladie et médecine au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Champion 2008. In Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (1, pp. 199-201). Armand Colin.
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Arnaud, S. (2010). Une Maladie indéfinissable? L'hystérie, de la métaphore au récit, au XVIIIe siècle.
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Arnaud, S. (2010)..Vous en guérirez et tout sera dit, De la circonspection dans l'énonciation de la maladie au XVIIIe siècle (Suisse, France, Angleterre). In C. Crignon (
Read MoreEd. ), Qu'est-ce qu'un bon patient? Qu'est-ce qu'on bon médecin? (pp. 263-273). Paris: Seli Arslan.
Arnaud, S. (
Read MoreEd. ). (2009). La Philosophie des vapeurs. Paris: Mercure de France.
Arnaud, S. (2009). Medical Writing, Philosophical Encounters, and Professional Strategy: The Defiance of Pierre Pomme.
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Arnaud, S. (2007). L’Art de Vaporiser à Propos, Pourparlers entre un Médecin et une Marquise Vaporeuse. Dix-Huitième siècle, 39, 505-519.
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Arnaud, S. (2015). On hysteria: the invention of a medical category between 1670 and 1820. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
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Arnaud, S. (2015). Quand des formes de vie se rejoignent: langue des signes et citoyenneté en France au tournant du 19e siècle. Raisons Politiques, 57(1), 97-110. doi:10.3917/rai.057.0097.
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Arnaud, S. (2015). Fashioning a role for medicine: Alexandre-Louis-Paul Blanchet and the care of the deaf in mid-nineteenth-century France. Social History of Medicine, 28(2), 288-307. doi:10.1093/shm/hku086.
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Past Events
- Institute Event
Audism, Phonocentrism, and Articulation Techniques in Seventeenth- to Nineteenth-Century Europe
Mental Troubles, Bodily Troubles, Medical Categories: What Kinds of Stories Can We Write?
Rhetorical Practices in Medical Writings and Medical Imaginings in 17th- to 19th-Century Literature
A Virgin Nature? Imaginings of Colonization in the Construction of Deafness in Mid-19th-Century France
Perspectives on Deafness in 18th to 20th Century France and Russia
Shaping Education and Distributing Areas of Knowledge in France, England, Germany, and the United States 1750-1950
MOREPresentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities
Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, University College Dublin
Departmental Colloquium, Department II, MPIWG
Sorbonne-Paris I, Séminaire Foucault de Jean-François Braunstein
Richardson History of Psychiatry Research Seminar, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York
Sorbonne-Paris 3
ITT Benjamin Franklin Project, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Centre Suisse de Recherche pour l’Histoire sociale et économique, University of Zurich
University of Minnesota, Department of the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Georg-August-University Goettingen
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
McGill University
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
International Society of History of Otorhinolaryngology, 6th Working Meeting, Padua
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
80th Anglo-American Conference 2011: Health in History, London
Institut Émilie du Châtelet
Institut des Sciences de la Communication du CNRS
Collège International de Philosophie