Guenter Görz
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
Dr.-Ing., Professor for Informatics, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Günther Görz was Professor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg until his retirement in Autumn 2012. Since then he has held a research professorship heading a research group on Digital Humanities, and is also a member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. He has held visiting positions at UCLA, Stanford University, ICSI Berkeley, and IRST/fbk Trento, and is a member of several scientific and editorial boards, among them an Academy project at Göttingen.
He has been involved in the MPIWG projects on Structural Changes in Systems of Knowledge; Globalization of Knowledge; Aristotelization of the World; The Transformation of Ancient Spatial Knowledge in its Intercultural Transfer Long-term development of Knowledge; The Sphaera-tradition; The Years of the Cupola; Historical Epistemology in Action; Repositiories, Research Environments and Dissemination; A New Paradigm: the "Digital Scrapbook"; Open Access Publications.
In his wider research, Günther Görz focusses on Applied Logic (knowledgerepresentation and reasoning) and natural language processing. Forhis sabbatical stay in 2010/2011 the general subject of cooperationwas "Semantic Modeling and Knowledge Representation for Scientific Object Documentation and Digital Editions". Since then, relations toseveral projects in the department have been extended, in particularwhere epistemological and cognitive models play a role in the historyof knowledge. An emphasis is on the experience and theoretical reflection of the historical development of spatial cognition and language, and spatial and temporal reasoning.
His work contributes to the elaboration of formal mental models for cognitive mapping in the "Common Sense Geography" group in Topoi and within the subject area of "Knowledge Transfer and Transformation in early Modern Cartography" to the preparation of a joint project (Erlangen and Nuremberg) aiming at for a new scholarly edition of the Behaim globe (1492). A further research focus is on formal ontologies which led to an implementation of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model in OWL-DL (ECRM: and its use as a semantic infrastructure for the DFG-funded Virtual Research Environment "WissKI" (, where he is aprincipal investigator.
Selected Publications
Scholz, Martin, Marvin Holdenried, Boris Dreyer, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, and Günther Görz (2015). “Und Semantik wuchs in ’EDEN’ : eine Vorstellung und ein Erfahrungsbericht.” Magazin für digitale Editionswissenschaften 1: 27–34.…
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Görz, Günther and Bettina Lindner (2015). “Eine digitale Transkription des ‘Deutschen Ptolemaeus.’” Magazin für digitale Editionswissenschaften 1: 15–26.
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Görz, Günther (2014). “Anmerkungen zum Verhältnis von Digital Humanities und Informatik.” In Abstracts des Workshops “Informatik und Digital Humanities’’’, Univ. Leipzig, 3. November 2014”, ed. G. Heyer, 1–3. Leipzig: Universität Leipzig.
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Görz, Günther, Josef Schneeberger, and Ute Schmid (2014). Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz. 5., überarb. und aktualisierte Aufl. München: Oldenbourg.
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