
Fanny Gribenski

Research Scholar (2018–2019)


Fanny Gribenski studied musicology and history at the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon, the Paris Conservatory, and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales. She obtained her PhD in 2015 with a dissertation on the history of concert life in nineteenth-century French churches, which served as the basis for her first book, L’Église comme lieu de concert. Pratiques musicales et usages de l’espace (1830–1905) (Actes Sud, 2019). She has been a Fondation Thiers fellow, a Fulbright postdoctoral fellow and visiting scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Dibner fellow in the history of science and technology at the Huntington Library (San Marino, California). She is currently working on her next book project, Tuning the World. Fanny Gribenski is a book review editor for the Revue de musicologie.


Sound & Science: Digital Histories


Tuning the World: Aesthetics, Acoustics, Industry, and Global Politics (1834–1939)


Selected Publications

Gribenski, Fanny (2023). Tuning the World: The Rise of 440 Hertz in Music, Science & Politics, 1859–1955. New Material Histories of Music. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. https://doi.org/10.7208/chicago/9780226823270.

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Gribenski, Fanny (2022). “Les exercices du mois de Marie, des pratiques et religieuses controversées.” In Musiques et pratiques religieuses en France au XIXe siècle, ed. F. Gribenski, A. Porret-Dubreuil, and V. Rollin, 143–173. Paris: Classiques…

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Gribenski, Fanny, Amélie Porret-Dubreuil, and Vincent Rollin, eds. (2022). Musiques et pratiques religieuses en France au XIXe siècle. Musicologie 16. Paris: Classiques Garnier. https://doi.org/10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-13079-6.

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Gribenski, Fanny (2021). “Nature’s ‘Disturbing Influence’: Sound and Temperature in the Age of Empire.” 19th Century Music 45 (1): 23–36. https://doi.org/10.1525/ncm.2021.45.1.23.

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Gribenski, Fanny (2014). “Présenter la musique ancienne. Les avatars du concert-conférence à Paris dans les années 1880–1890.” In La musique ancienne entre historiens et musiciens, ed. X. Bisaro and R. Campos, 63–103. Geneva: Droz-Haute École de musique de Genève.

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Gribenski, Fanny (2013). “L’église comme lieu de concert? Les célébrations de la Sainte-Cécile à Saint-Eustache par l’Association des artistes musiciens (1847–1900).” Revue de musicologie 99 (2): 295–324.

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Past Events


Sounding Transatlantic Relations: The Making of Concert Pitch Between Europe and the United States (1863–1935)


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Tuning the World

History of Science, Medicine and Technology Colloquium

Tuning the world. A history of global negotiations at the crossroads of aesthetics, politics, science and industry

Annual meeting of the American Musicological Society

The Church as Showroom for Instrument-Making and Musical Virtuosity: Organ Inaugurations in Nineteenth-Century Paris

Annual meeting of the American Musicological Society

The Church as Music Venue

Musiksoziologie Forschungskolloquium

The Church as Concert Hall: a Study of the sainte Cécile Feast’s Celebration by the Association des artistes musiciens at Saint-Eustache, Paris (1847-1870)

Annual meeting of the American Musicological Society
