
Christine von Oertzen

Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr.

Christine von Oertzen has published widely on gender relations in society and science and the material culture of collecting, processing, and visualizing data. Her recent publications include Beyond the Academy: Histories of Gender and Knowledge, Data Histories (with Elena Aronova and David Sepkoski), Working With Paper: Gendered Practices in the History of Knowledge (with Carla Bittel and Elaine Leong), and Histories of Bureaucratic Knowledge, all products of MPIWG Working Groups.

Her first monograph explored gender politics and social change in West Germany. The focus of her second book was the creation and maintenance of female academic networks in western Europe and North America from the late-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. A project website provides an online biographical database of the many actors figuring in the book.

Her current research group Data, Media, Mind combines a focus on data epistemologies and the material culture of data with media and gender studies, environmental and supply chain studies, the history of bureaucracy, the social, human, and cognitive sciences, and citizen science.

She has earned her PhD at the Free University of Berlin, has taught at the Technical Universities of Berlin and Braunschweig, and was a research scholar at the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C. In 2020, she was appointed professor of media practices in the Media Studies Department at Berlin’s Humboldt Universität. She is also one of the Speakers of the new International Max Planck Research School “Knowledge and Its Resources,” a PhD program which opened with the first cohort of students in September 2022.

Current Projects

Technologies of Self Inscription

Completed Projects

Beyond the Academy
At-Home Observation
Gender Studies of Science
Historicizing Big Data
History of Bureaucratic Knowledge
Housewifery Skills and Paper Technologies in Census Compilation
Machineries of Data Power
Machines of Memory
Politics of Epistemic Technologies
Science, Gender, Internationalism
Sciences of the Archive
Working with Paper

Selected Publications

Oertzen, Christine von (2023). “Paper Knowledge and Statistical Precision.” Isis 114 (2): 380–386.

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Oertzen, Christine von and Viktoria Tkaczyk, eds. (2023). Focus: Supplied Knowledge: Resource Regimes, Materials, and Epistemic Tools. Special issue, Isis 114 (2). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.…

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Tkaczyk, Viktoria and Christine von Oertzen (2023). “Introduction: Reconsidering the Resources of Epistemic Tools.” Isis 114 (2): 359–365.

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Oertzen, Christine von and Lotte Schüßler (2022). “Für, mit und auf Papier: Papiertechnologien und ihre Versorgungsketten.” Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 14 (2): 119–136.

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Oertzen, Christine von (2007). The pleasure of a surplus income : part-time work, gender politics, and social change in West Germany, 1955-1969. New York [u.a.]: .

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Oertzen, Christine von (1999). Teilzeitarbeit und die Lust am Zuverdienen. Geschlechterpolitik und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in der Bundesrepublik, 1948–1969. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.

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Oertzen, Christine von (2007). “Völkerverständigung durch akademische Vernetzung : die International Federation of University Women 1919-1945.” In Politische Netzwerkerinnen : internationale Zusammenarbeit von Frauen 1830-1960, ed. E. Schöck-Quinteros, A. Schüler, A. Wilmers, and K. Wolff, 333–356. Berlin: Trafo.

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UWIND Database



Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

The Here and Now in Numbers: Census Compilation and Data Visualization in Nineteenth-Century Prussia

Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica,Taiwan
The Many Hands that Work with Paper: Towards a Socio-Material History of Knowledge

College of Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei
Papier als Werkzeug: Eine soziomaterielle Geschichte des Wissens

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Kulturwissenschaften, Ringvorlesung "Schrift/Bild/Sound"