Bin Wang
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
PhD, Associate Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Wang Bin is an associate researcher at the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is now visiting Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Sciences. Her main research field is the history of railways in China.
Her PhD dissertation Jindai Tielu Jishu xiang zhongguo de zhuanyi: yi jiaoji tielu weili (1898–1914) (Modern Railway Technology Transfer to China: The Case of Kiaotsi Railway (1898–1914)) (Shandong Education Press, 2012) studies the construction and operation of Shandong Railway after the Germans occupied Jiaozhou Bay in 1897, explores the interactions between the railway technology and the society in Shandong, especially the conflicts and adaptations during the railway construction and operation.
Her second book Jeme Tien Yow yu zhongguo gongcheng kexue (Jeme Tien Yow and Engineering Science in China) (to be published soon) studies Jeme Tien Yow, Father of Chinese Railways, and his role in the development of Chinese railways, the establishment of Chinese Institution of Engineers, and the standardization of Chinese railway technology.
Her present study is Tianjin-Pukou Railway, which was built by Germans and British in 1908–1912. She is going to visit the archives in Germany and Britain.